(25): i'm sorry

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Tendou dances around you as you wrap his fingers during the game. You're fiddling with the wrap, trying to get it open which allowed him to have time to goof off. Circling you, swaying his fingers and humming. 

The game so far has been pretty intense. There's been a lot of muttering between players through the net while very intense eye contact is held. The court seemed to get the most tense when Ushijima had the ball which relieved you a little. This game wasn't just drama between Tendou and the ex. 

Who, so far, you had not seen. 

"Wanna go on a date Monday?" You had been so distracted with the tape that you hadn't realized Tendou's hum had come to a stop and his body lingers over yours. Eyes quirked to the side as his eyes bore into yours. Per usual, he was having an unofficial staring contest with you as the conversation continued. 

You grab his hand, wrapping his fingers as the two of you speak. 

His eyes never leaving yours despite when you looked down to focus.  

"Is now really the time to be asking?" You tease. A smile breaking out across your face. 

Color rises to your cheeks as his gaze continues. 

"I'd say now is the perfect-" "GET BACK ON THE COURT!! What is this? Playtime? I don't think so." Washijo's voice booms over Tendou's which makes you quickly finish up before sending him on his way again. 

Normally Tendou was way too serious during games. Of course he mess around and had his normal Tendou moments but when it came down to it he was ready to beat ass to win. It was something you found more attractive than you'd ever admit to his cocky self. You know Tendou is insecure deep down but when it comes to volleyball that is the one thing he knows he does correctly...so instead of telling him all the wild thoughts that rack through your mind you sit on the bench. Clenching your legs ever so slightly tighter than usual. Eyes glued on him the whole game, only leaving to help tape the fingers of his teammates. 

Ushijima had convinced Washijo to let you sit on bench if you helped out a little. You didn't mind it the slightest. 

The orange haired kid, number ten, you soon figured out was named Hinata. Tendou had never specifically called the kid by name. It was always a ginger joke. But, thankfully, his teammates seemed to rely on him a lot. Enough to call out to him a lot. There was a tall black haired dude who you rightfully guessed was the blueberry setter the boys had talked about so much. 

Karasuno was a good team. A good match. 

You just sat back and watched the game unfold. 

The crushing weight of losing the game was enough to send Tendou into a depressive state. It was enough to send the whole team into a haze. None of them knowing what to do now. None of them had truthfully fathomed losing. Well, only Ushijima did. He knew the pair of first years matched with the strength of everyone else in Karasuno could make a good fight. But even he didn't expect to lose. He just knew losing was a possibility. 

Tendou had gone right to the locker room after everything ended. Not even helping clean up, which you didn't blame him. Instead you just helped clean up what you could before going to wait on the bench. The stands seemed to clear out quickly. Leaving you and only a few other people in the large gym left. 

You pulled out your phone, scrolling through your list of things to do this upcoming week. Not necessarily paying attention to your surroundings besides the door you knew Tendou would exit from. 

"So, you're Shirazawa's manager or something?" Your head pops up to see the bald kid from Karasuno along with the really short one who's hair kinds reminded you of a chicken...but in a cute way. It was hard to explain. 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now