(22): nice to meet you

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After hanging up on Val and quietly walking down the dark roads to Tendou's you had caved quickly. Dialing Tendou's number without much thought. Already remembering the whole thing by heart. 

He picked up immediately. 

"Yes baby?" His voice sounded panicky which made you chew on your bottom lip out of nervousness. Maybe he was really busy...it's not to late to be a normal human being and go emotionally eat the whole tub of chocolate ice cream at home. 

"Um, what you up to?" 

You voice had risen a little because of how fast your heart was beating. You knew immediately it had given you away when you heard a shift of weight over the phone, voices in the background were soon drowned out with the sound of a door closing. 

"I just went into the bathroom...you sound upset, that's honestly unusual...until lately, what did I do?" 

You felt a wave of emotions come over your fragile frame at his words. Stopping in the middle of the side street you're walking through just to take a pause. Digesting the tone and seriousness of the sentence. Tendou was hardly ever this serious. 

You had just worried him over a simple question. 

It's easiest to be honest. "I haven't seen you lately. Or really felt like we've talked about anything important. I know I seem clingy...don't judge me but, Val convinced me to be crazy and visit you with an excuse of being worried about you."

Laughter rippled through your ears. It was thundering, wild and deep. 

"Now?" Tendou sounded like he was trying to hold back his thundering roar of laughter as he spoke through it. It was so like him to laugh at something that would normally be taken seriously. 

A sigh escapes your lip. Not a sigh of disappointment, a sigh of relief. 

"Yes. I'm literally about a street away. It just felt wrong though...probably because we haven't been dating very long and you have dinner..." The guilt had already be sitting on your chest like a ton of bricks when you decided to call Tendou just in case. Telling yourself if he didn't answer then you'd just turn around and go home. That he was too busy and you were just being crazy and abnormal. Being too much like Val. But, he answered, and he was amused with Val's crazy idea. 

Tendou hums, perched on top of his bathroom counter. One leg crossed over the other. He glances at his shirtless self in the mirror. Scratching the back of his neck as he listens to your short, yet cute, ramble. He had just finished working out in the basement. Trying to ignore the middle aged woman sitting in his living room with his mother. It's his moms best friend. For whatever reason they had decided to have dinner tonight after not talking to each other in god knows how long. Thankfully, her daughter had refused to come. 

Tendou couldn't even express the relief that flooded through him when his mother let him know she wasn't coming. 

It's just so typical that her mother would come by at a random time when he's having relationship issues. It seemed like fate really wanted to play with him. That was his theory at least. 

"Well you might as well get your ass over here." Tendou teases you, jumping off the counter to go tell him mother. He ruffles his hair in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. Listening to you ramble out an apology for being so random just because you're worried. It was no worry to him if you showed up on his doorstep. It didn't matter if you did, or even when you did. He could care less. Just happy you'd decided to visit at all. 

It only took another few minutes for you to arrive. Tendou answered the door before having a chance to change. 

So there you stand. Bundled up to keep yourself warm for your after dark stroll. Holding a plastic bag, glancing up to say a simple hello just to be left wide eyed. A blush plasters across your whole face. 

"I-shirt! Please." 

Tendou leans to the side, narrowing his eyes just slightly. His abnormal height makes his simple lean look like such a strange gesture. 

You glance up at him, shifting your glances from the floor to him every few seconds as the two of you just stand in the doorway. The amusement and satisfaction written all over Tendou's face was something you'd make him pay for later. You knew your face was growing warmer by the second and he just enjoyed every second of it. 

"You look so smug." 

"Mmm, I am. It's not like this is the first time you've seen me like this." 

Like a child you stick your tongue out at him. Crossing your arms, scrunching your face up. 

"Get inside. Just go up to my room." Tendou tugs at your crossed arms. Catching your hand as you loosen up. The warmth of his hand sends a slight shiver through your whole body. It hadn't dawned on you how cold you were until you felt the body heat radiating off of Tendou. 

His house was the same as ever. Small and comfortable. So welcoming. 

Everything was the same as the last time you'd walked through his front door. It felt like that day was yesterday when in reality that double date was almost two months ago. Everything in the house was still in place. The only difference was the shoes left at the doorway and the new coats on the coat rack. The light from the moon shines through the window. Leaving a different tone to the welcoming home. Light from the living room illuminates down the small entryway off to the right. Two women's voices are coming from there. Obviously deep in conversation. 

They must've already had dinner, you tell yourself as your slip off your shoes. 

Tendou hangs up your jacket. Letting go of your hand just for that action. His hands soon find your waist as his arm slinks around your waist. Leading you towards the stairs. It was like his touch before. So warm, you leaned into his side more. Hoping secretly to yourself that he'd hold you for real. Something that the two of you had never done. You and Tendou have such a wholesome relationship, you've never spent time alone together in a taboo way. Not that cuddling was taboo...

Tendou eyes the bag shifting back and forth with each of your steps. Humming to himself as he tries to eye the contents inside the bag with quiet a few side glances. You were too focused on the warmth of his touch. Day dreaming about cuddling in his warm embrace in his comfy bed. Your mind distracted from the curiosity consuming the poor red heads mind. He really just wanted to know what you classified as emergency visit food. 

"So what did you buy to bribe me wi-" His words were cut off by the sweet voice of his mothers from the other room. Snapping both of you out of your thoughts. 

"Tendou, why don't you come introduce your girlfriend?" 

It was a simple request. Something you were more than willing to do. If this dinner was so important for Tendou that he had to cancel plans for tonight then it makes since that his mother would go out of her way to make him introduce you. You were imposing. 

Your blush returns once again. 

How embarrassing...I feel so rude, you start scolding yourself mentally. 

It was Tenodu's sudden frozen stance and lack of response that made you worry more. His eyebrows scrunch together slowly as if he's deep in thought. Not moving a muscle, his eyes shift down to look at your worried face. They're colder than normal. As if something about this situation was going to cause something...something bad. 

Only a few seconds go by before he pulls you closer to his side, pulling you down to the living room entree way. It takes you two seconds to realize why he had a slight panic attack in the hallway. The woman sitting next to his mother screamed in resemblance to the girl you'd met on the court that day he played Karasuno. This woman was only a little older with kinder features. She didn't look at you with any ill intent. Just curiosity. 

"Hi." You wave softly to her, "I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now