(21): distance pt2

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The charm bounces up and down against your chest as you jog down the hall away from animation club. Trying to make it to your classroom before everything closes up for the night. Animation club had gone over its usual time by a few hours because of this important project so the notebook you'd left in class could very much be gone now. 

Peaking through the locked doors window you sigh. 


And there's your notebook. Perched securely on your desk in the back of the room just waiting to be studied with tonight. 

Tendou had canceled tonights facetime call for something family related. You were a little upset but figured it must be super important. The look on his face made you somewhat panicked but when you asked what was wrong he just said he couldn't really explain. It was something his mom wanted to keep private. So you kept your patience and respect those wishes. 

Studying was going to keep you out of your thoughts. But now it looks like it was time for plan B. 

Calling Val and actually talking about feelings. 

Tugging your bag tighter against your side, you start to walk towards the exit. Overhearing screaming coming from the volleyball gym. 

They're still practicing?, you raise an eyebrow in the buildings general direction. Watching the shifting of light as shadows run past the small opening under the door. The night sky was already upon you. The moonlight shining brightly down on you as you cross the short hallway to the gym. Hesitating at the door, fingers hovering over the handle. You open it without much effort. Hoping the heavy ass door doesn't crash against you as you weasel your way into the building. 

In front of you is a normal view. Just the Shiratorizawa Academy team busting their ass' to push themselves harder as Washijo watches them like a hawk. 

You shyly make your way to the bench where Washijo sits. Trying not feel nervous under the pressure of the whole teams glances and slight whispers about your presence. They were quieter than normal, taking your sudden appearance in more than usual. 

You glance up at Wasijo once you're seated. Smiling softly at the hard ass you've come to enjoy. He was never anything but a hard lover in your eyes. A man who just wants the best for the boys he invests so much time into. 

"What are you doing here?" Washijo asked you with a slight side glance. His main focus stays on the team. They're practicing receiving. Something you would never care to do. Tendou comes home with enough bruises everyday. Showing you through the computer screen and naming every one of them like they're precious angels. 

If you recall the most recent correctly, his name is Harold. And he specfically sits on Tendou's upper arm. 

"I saw you guys were still practicing and I have nothing better to do tonight." Your eyes begin to scan over the large room. The red head you're looking for is no where to be seen. Not even Ushijima is present. 

"They're not here." Washijo mumbles in a soft tone once he notices the realization sink in your face, "They left about an hour ago for some dinner thing. Tendou seemed..er, stressed so Ushijima walked him home." It didn't seem like Washijo wanted to particularly say this information. From what you know and have heard he seems like a very private and serious old man, but you appreciate this little information. 

Washijo stares casually over at you. The soft spot in his heart taking over as he notices the slight frown on your lips now. You try to send him a kind smile, thanking him for the information before you turn to watch the boys practice for another few minutes. You excuse yourself a few minutes later. It sinks in Washijo how much you must care for Tendou. Just the little things as simple as your facial expressions when Tendou's name is mentioned show how deeply you feel. 

"Stupid Tendou." You mutter to yourself as you walk off of school campus and stock down the road towards the bus stop. You originally planned on walking home today but a nice bus ride to a nearby park seemed like a better idea than going home to a house where you'd just sit and think all night until you were driven mad. 

"Pick up. Pick up." Your fingers fumble over your earphones as you place them in each of your ears. Mumbling confused and irritated curses under your breath as the phone rings. Val picks up after a few rings. 

"Yes my dearest?" Her voice calms you slightly. Your demanding walk steadies to a simple pace. Your senses calming down. 

With a deep breath you tell Val everything about the ditch of lunch, why you ended up bailing on Friday and then everything you found out tonight. "I just feel like he's so busy lately! And it was all so sudden. It was like one day I couldn't get any space and now I have so much that something feels off! It's only been a short time that we've actually been together but we clicked so well that we feel so much more serious than is physically possible! I have no idea what to do. He knows how I feel too. I can see it on his face." 

Val sighs through the phone. It doesn't take her long to come up with an answer. "Two things can come of this. One, you go to his house like a crazy girlfriend. Two, you go to his house with a gift claiming to be worried about him and you spaced the important thing tonight because you were studying and worrying too much. You still are crazy but only you know truly how crazy you are." 

"Val, those are terrible options." 

You can see her face in your head. Lips in a thin line as her eyebrows scrunch together in annoyance that you aren't applauding her expected crazy ideas. 

"He's being weird! I know he has those...insecurities but why be so distant from someone he claimed to want so badly in his life?" 

She had a point. 

"Fine, I'll be a stalker girlfriend. You happy?" You huff.

"Honestly woman, that didn't take much convincing. Your morals are out the window. You must really be going mad over this lanky man." The teasing words bounce through one ear and out the other as you walk past the bus stop and go into a nearby local shop. Making your way to the drink and snack area to get Tendou's favorites. Grabbing a small tub of chocolate ice cream before going to pay. Val is still on the phone in your ear talking it off about what she's been up to and how you missed the best Friday third wheel experience of your life because you went to animation club. 

Mentally you weren't really digesting her words. Too worried thinking about how you're going to pull off ultimately the most embarrassing thing you've ever done. 

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