(20): your number five

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- You know I want to see you. It's just the team. It's really important right now that we win. 

The words written across your small screen make your heart churn. Tendou had ended up missing lunch and informed you through text of all things. It was like your emotions went out the window into a downward spiral over a handful of simple words.

It's really important right now that we win. 

Tenodu was starting to sound less and less like the sweet boy you had a crush on. More like a sports loving lunatic...which you guess is just another side of him. It's just a fact that you don't know everything about him yet. 

It's too soon to know everything. 

@: MilkBreadMuncher 

- Ok. 

You didn't know what else to say. 

You had sat in your usual place for lunch. Alone and with a book, lunch sitting neatly in front of you ready to be munched on. You had packed extra just for Tendou knowing whatever his "something special" was would most likely not be edible. He's all for gift giving. 

Sitting in silence for what felt like hours turned out to only be minutes when you checked the time. Months ago you would've never saw yourself mopping around at lunch over Tendou. Sure, he was a crush but he wasn't someone you'd let ruin your mood. Boys didn't have that much worth to you then. Just months ago. 

Does he really already mean that much to me? Am I already that attached?, your mind starts to fall down the rabbit hole of questions. 

Lunch finishes quickly. You hadn't read a single word out of your book or taken a single bite of your food. 

As the bustling halls around you start to fill with more people you quickly realize you'll be late if you keep still. While packing your things up you can't help but continue to think. 

Is he just too busy for a relationship? Is this why he originally rejected me? Not the whole...girl thing? Or are his thoughts and insecurities getting to him so much that he can't even look at you in person? Is being busy with volleyball just a giant lie? It can't be...Ushijima relies on him too much for it to be a lie..., you think more as you stand up now, Did that girl from Karasuno come back around...

"I caught you just in time!" His voice rushes into your senses pulling you from your deep train of thought. The sound of his voices hits you like a ton of bricks. Taking a deep breath you turn, putting on a smile and tug at your sleeves out of nervousness that you'd been caught having such awfully insecure thoughts by Tendou. 

"Caught me in time for what?" You muse, pretending like you hadn't just spent all of your lunch mopping around like an idiot over the pretty boy in front of you. 

Tendou's face curls in his usual devilish manor. Lips tightening, eyebrows rising and eyes narrowing. The gaze he holds over you seems suspicious as he looms over your frame. 

God he's to fucking tall, you think. Smiling shyly at him. 

"Why are you acting so weird? Did you eat something gross?" Tendou's hand flies to your forehead. His free arm pulling you closer to him by your waist to make sure you can't run off as he checks your temperature. 

Tendou had spent all lunch trying to convince Ushijima that the team had practiced enough and that it wasn't healthy to keep skipping lunches. Much to his best friends dismay he couldn't deny that Tenodu was right about that. It was important for the team to eat enough. Tendou must've obviously seemed like he was in pain by the looks the whole team kept giving him. It was obvious how strained his emotions were everyday. When they asked him if he had been getting enough rest, he lied. When they asked him if he was eating well, he lied. When they asked him if he has been relaxing, he lied. And when they asked him if he was feeling ill, well; that was the only thing he was honest about. That he wasn't. 

It was eating Tendou alive not being able to spend any actual time with you. He could see it on your face every night on your facetime calls and he could even see it now as you tried to hide behind your cute smile. You were worried. 

Tendou pulls his hand from your forehead. Replacing his hand with a warm kiss before he steps back only slightly. Taking a small bag from his uniform pocket and places it in your hand. Letting your fingers clasp around the delicate material before letting his hand fall to his side. 

It felt oddly strange when Tendou's grip from your waist fell. You couldn't help it, a small frown tugged at your lips when the heat from his hand left your side. 

But you refocus on the small bag in your hand. It's obviously a jewelry bag by how small it is and the drawstrings on either edge of the bag. 

"Open it." Tenodu's eyes edge with excitement. It was like he was ready to bounce off the walls. 

You quickly open the bag. Tapping your foot against the ground out of pure anxiety. For opening the bag or being late to class? No one really knows. You mind is just swirling with the idea that he even spent any money on you. 

In your hand sits a silver chain. At the center of it was a charm. 

A cute little number five sits in your palm. 

The number on his jersey. 

Your number five. 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now