(11): mental

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Outside the gym you wait patiently to go get dinner with Tendou and Ushijima. Flipping through your plans for a new animation idea. It's sports week, meaning that for the weekly animation club assignment everyone must make a mini sports related animation.
You decided to pick up the volleyball team. For obvious reasons. Tendou being your artistic muse.
"So, you're Tendou's new girlfriend?"
Your head perks up at the inquiry. Eyes falling to the soft voice who said it. It's the Karasuno girl. She must still be waiting for her team to leave too...
"No, I'm not." You shrug, looking back down at your plans. Whatever game she's trying to play you're not going to entertain. It's immature to pull these kinds of stunts.
"Oh? You looked really cozy with him on the court just now."
You just look at her. She feels the tension as your eyes bore into hers. Frustration coursing through your veins. The girl who used Tendou is really standing in front of you, getting annoyed that you're talking to Tendou? When she has a whole boyfriend?
"What, can't speak now?"
"No, I can. I just don't choose to speak to bigots."
"Bigots? I don't see any around here."
With that you shove your phone back into your pocket and stare the girl down. Locked onto every aspect of her. How her cocky expression quirks at any moment. Her body movements as she speaks. The words don't even register in your brain as you completely space out. Holding back just arguing back.
Your phone buzzes. Snapping you back to reality. The girl in front of you stutters as you ignore everything she said, a blank look plastered across your face as you read the message.

@: GuessMonster
- Hey, sorry for being so emotional. You still waiting to get food with Ushijima and I? I need to see you.

@: MilkBreadMuncher
- Out front :)

You quickly respond before looking back up at the now very confused looking girl.
"Look," You sigh. Shoving your phone back into your pocket, "I realize there's a lot of history between the two of you. But that's not necessarily my business. Since you're deciding to come do whatever it is you're trying to do, which isn't very cute by the way, I'm just going to say... LET. Go. Okay sweetie?"
With perfect timing Tendou comes walking out of the front doors. His eyes widening when he sees you speaking to his ex. Anxiety begins to course through his body once again but he can't stop his feet from walking towards you. Carrying his body until his arm is reaching out for your hand. Interlocking his fingers with yours.
Tendou doesn't even look at the now surprised girl when she addresses him, "Hi Tendou."
"C'mon, time to go eat." Tendou pulls your hand towards the gym to go grab Ushijima. Wanting to get as far away from this situation as soon as possible.
The feelings coursing through Tendou's body are driving him wild. It wasn't just enough to show up? But to speak to you? Tendou can't help but wonder who sought out who. It was most likely not you. You didn't strike him as the petty type. That's something he enjoyed. You were the opposite than the girl he just left behind. You are mature. You realize what's important and what's not.
Anxiously Tendou chews on his lip. Bouncing slightly when he's forced to stand in once place.
'Where is Ushijima? He should be done changing by now...' Tendou mentally groans.
It isn't until your hands find his face. Cupping both his cheeks gently, that he's brought back to reality. It's just the two of you now. In the gym. Staring into each other's eyes as Tendou is in the verge of a panic attack.
Everything is just too overwhelming.
But your touch helps enough to cause him to let out a long sigh.
Tears following seconds after.
"I'm here. Cry, it's healthy. You've gone through enough mental stress today. Come here." Your delicate arms find their way around Tendou's torso making the boy crumble into them.
All his memories come flashing back. All the wrong shes done, but not only her. Everything he's done. Their whole "relationship" flashing through his eyes. All the chest wrenching pain. The nights he spent sobbing into his pillow. The screaming matches they'd get into. Everything.
"Don't go. Don't go..." The red head sobs.
"I'm not going anywhere." You whispers soothingly. One hand running through his hair. The other rubbing his back lovingly, "I'm staying right here."

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now