(12): right back

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this song inspired me to write this chapter after about a week (i think???) of writers block. i'm sorry it's so short. hope you enjoy. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH.

Sitting crisscross applesauce in front of Tendou as the two of you pass a volleyball back and forth in the center of the gym was one of your favorite new pass times.
Originally you came to the gym to drop off lunch for Tendou because the boys were having a meeting but when you arrived everyone was goofing around. Washijo made the speech short and sweet apparently.
So, here you are. Passing the dirty volleyball back and forth. Talking about how both of your days have been. That was until everyone seemed to leave or quiet down to have their lunches.
"So um...I wanted to talk about the game the other day..." Tendou trails off. His face falling slightly. You take note of how tense and uncomfortable the topic is making him. Which, he has every right to feel that way. It seemed extremely emotionally stressful to see his ex. Let alone deal with whatever it was she was trying to pull.
"Okay." You say simply, passing the ball back to Tendou. That night has been playing in your mind on repeat. How Tendou looked during and after the game, how he completely broke down in your arms and how he could barely hold it together when getting dinner with Ushijima. Of course that's his best friend so Ushijima understood and was patient with Tendou. Taking him home and making sure he was all good at the end of the night. You had taken the bus home. Kissing Tendou's forehead and ruffling his hair to say goodbye. Your heart sinking due to the sadness you felt for him.
"I never wanted you to see me like that. At least not so soon." Tendou admits, tossing the ball back to you again, "..but besides that, I know we're not dating. Maybe soon. I know we've been talking for ages it feels like now. But if we're patient it'll all work out. Of course, you need to know some things before I um...do what I plan on doing..."
You've never seen Tendou so tense yet open. His face twists slightly as he thinks. Pausing his words to look up at you. Taking in your beautiful features with a soft sigh.
"You're so sweet. And so healthy. I was stupid for rejecting you...but that being said, I'm still damaged and I might hurt you on accident. Like with what happened at practice that one time." You nod at his words. Remembering the pain in your chest from that night and frown slightly, "I feel like we're meant to be. I know I'm saying that sooooo early- but I'm serious. I have a lot to prove to you."
You carefully consider his words. Realizing that Tendou is expressing his actually feelings for you and saying he wants to better himself through his pain for you. A small soft smile appears against your lips. Setting the volleyball to the side. You lean forward and cup his cheeks in your hands. Tendou's peachy cheeks warm under your touch.
"I'm patient. I realize what you've been through. I want to take the time. We're just right for each other."
With that you place a swift sweet kiss against his pouty lips. Tendou completely melts under your sudden touch. He wasn't expecting your first kiss together to be under these circumstances but he's not mad. In his eyes it was an act of love. Tendou gently places his hands over yours. Kissing you back with just as much sweetness.
The two of you getting lost in the innocent loving kisses until there's a whistle blown. Washijo's sharp warning to knock it off before he is forced to raise his voice at his favorite lovebirds.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now