(17): chicken tend-ou

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Val rushed up to the fountain as soon as she laid eyes on you. Ditching the string bean with full force, ramming into you like a quarterback as her arms wrap around your shoulders.

"YOU'RE HERE! I've missed you so much." Giggles fall from her lips. The feeling of relief filling her whole soul. It's not like she wants to spend any less time with you. Her parents are just very serious about her getting into a good college and being a great student. That gives her no time to see you and Jiro 24/7.

You understood the importance Jiro held to her and always told her it was okay for her to spend so much time with him at school. Truthfully, it made you happy to see Val so happy.

Tendou eyes the string bean as he approaches. Taking note of the fact that Tendou has never even seen this kid before. And they go to the same schoool.

'I really live in a bubble...' Tendou ponders before his attention shifts. Eyes locking with Val's as she stares up at him. She's a very small girl. So much smaller than Tendou that he kinda has to bend over to even see her completely.

"Nice to officially meet you, I've heard a lot on the weekends I spend with our baby here." Val pokes your side.

The friendship the two of you hold is sacred. Tendou understands that. He finds it honestly adorable that Val holds you so highly. Because that's how Tendou holds you. It's the only thing he thinks you deserve.

Due to Tendou normal standards he only nods towards Val. Not used to socializing much. As soon as Jiro is in front of Tendou he lets out a faint smile though. The only reason for the faint smile though was because both you and Jiro immediately started bickering like an old married couple.

"Look, grandpa, I'm just saying..."

"Just saying what?! That I'm superior? Because we all know I'm better than you." Jiro chuckles before wrapping an arm around Val, "I stole your girl. What you gonna do bout THAT!"

Your face scrunches up in fake disgust. It's obvious you're holding back a laugh as you wittily respond without hesitation, "Keep her. I'm sure you're enjoying my seconds."

"Hey!!!" Val giggles, "I'm just vibing here don't bring me into this nonsense."

Tendou can't help but relax at the closeness between the three of you. You had mentioned before that you're not super close to Jiro. Not enough to call him a good friend, but the two of you joke around enough to be comfortable with each other.

This is just another thing Tendou decides he needs to add to his list of things he respects about you. Your ability to socialize with literally anyone. It's strikes him as crazy that the shy girl he first met is the girl standing in front of him. So open. So goofy and free. Confident and sweet.

Without thinking Tendou walks behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. Pulling your back to his chest.

You pause your continued argument to blush brightly, not expecting the sudden contact.

"Stop arguing with bean boy. It can't be helped that you're truly the best." Tendou joins in instead of pushing the closeness between the two of you away. Jiro quirks an eyebrow. Not expecting the goofy comment to come from the volleyball giant in front of him.

At school Tendou is very quiet and reserved when he's not with his team. It's rare that he jokes around without giving major attitude. From what Jiro could understand before officially meeting the dude, he wasn't someone you'd want to be close with.

That's why he was surprised when he found himself bickering with you AND Tendou like old friends.

"Listen here you chicken tender!" Jiro laughs through the insult, realizing it was really only funny to him but he didn't care. "Chicken Tend-ou, that's what you are!"

The double date continued normally. The four of you got food and shopped a little. Overall just hung out and had a good time in each other company. The four of you had a great connection which none of you expected. By the end of the night Jiro and Tendou were ranting and raving about sports. Jiro being on the basketball team meant Tendou had someone to rival on the best sport.

Val looks around the three people in front of her. A gentle smile appears across her face. The feeling of completeness fulfilling her. In all honesty she didn't know how today was going to go. Tendou has many faces at school so she didn't know which one she'd be meeting today. Overall she wanted to make sure he was good to you.

Which was obvious. He was more than good to you.

He seemed like a dream.

And your smily face made her heart smile with joy.

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