(29): graduation

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The first day back to school was the most nerve wracking thing Tendou had done in awhile. Taking those steps inside, having all those eyes on him. He was ready to run to the gym and hide the rest of the day until practice. Claim he was just feeling ill but couldn't miss practice after losing. But, although met with some snickering faces, Ushijima and you sat speaking to each other in the entryway. 

It was abnormal for Tendou to see the person he's dating with so close to his best friend. With his ex that was the last thing he'd ever want. He didn't trust her for shit around others. But, with you, it was obvious that every part of you meant no harm. 

Ushijima even opened up around you. That is more the worry than the girl to be honest. The dude can never function properly he just stares scarily. It's one of the things that drew Tendou to him. He was lonely because of his stupid face, just like Tendou. 

"Good morning!" You greeted Tendou with the brightest smile for the next week. Every morning of everyday. Somehow you'd managed to drag Ushijima along everyday too. It really made Tendou wonder how you got him to stay in such a social place so early in the morning but deep down Tendou knew why. It's because of him. 

The two of you care about him. 

For the next month nothing extreme happened. Everything went back into cycle slowly but surely. School, practice, dinner, date nights, cuddles, sex, breakdowns, etc. Days went by so fast that Tendou didn't even realize graduation was next week until you were getting on his ass. Chasing him around his living room trying not to slip on the wooden floors due to your fuzzy socks creating zero friction. You tumble back and forth while chasing your lanky boyfriend around the couch. His mother sits peacefully, eyes flickering between the two of you and the evening news playing on the TV. A warmed smile pulling at her lips. 

"What do you mean you forgot?!" 

"I mean-I didn't think too much about it." Tendou shrugs, crashing down on the couch once you catch up to him. The full force of the two of you landing with a slight bang. His head falling on his mothers lap who has now busted out laughing. 

"The two of you are lucky I put my wine on the table. You would've ruined everything!" 

Despite her lecture the laugh falling from her lips was music to Tendou's ears. His mother has been up and down her whole life leaving him worried about her. Always on the back of his mind because she insists she's fine but he stills cares enough to pay attention to the little details. 

"(Y/N), is right though, your head has to really be up in the clouds to not remember your own high school graduation." 

Tendou eyes the two of you. His arms securely wrapped around you much to your dismay as you try to sit up to sit properly. Every time you move he just pulls you right back down. Admitting defeat you listen to Tendou and his mother tease one another. It became very obvious to you how close the two of them are despite his anger towards her sometimes. She really helped him growing up. Their emotional bond was something rare. 

It made you happy he had that support.

Time moved like a flash of light after that night. Between final exams, getting everything together, deciding where you're going to end up moving for school, putting all your saved money together, making a plan with Tendou about school and waiting anxiously for Val to text you about the college she's decided to attend you didn't have much time. 

Washijo has been running Tendou in circles for the last bit of practice. Beating the new boys into shape by making all the third years train them more than usual. Ushijima told Tendou that he thinks it's just because Washijo is just going to miss them but when Washijo overheard that theory there was a volleyball thrown at both their heads. 

Tendou didn't want to go to school. It was something he refused to do and it was causing conflict between the two of you. You didn't necessarily want to go to school but you also felt like you needed some kind of degree. It was stressing Tendou out to find something he could do besides just sit around on his ass and wait for you to finish up school. He contemplated just taking up a customer service job but broke out into sheer laughter right after the thought. Tendou? Customer service? NOPE. 

It wasn't until the day of graduation after the ceremony while the two of you were taking pictures with Val and string bean that it hit him. He didn't even want to stay in Japan. This was worrisome to him. You were staying in Japan. That was the plan. But, a normal desk job in a busy city was of no interest to him. Nor was some bland job in the country. 

"What's with that stupid look on your face?" Val narrows her eyes towards Tendou, "You're abnormally stiff." 

Tendou just narrows his eyes back. The playful glare causing Val to puff her cheeks out in a playful manor. 

You only look at Tendou's expression. It told you that a talk would be coming soon, a hard one. And that's exactly what came over dinner. You had gone out for boba with your family before sliding by Tendou's for dinner. His mother made a feast. The whole table had a spread of dozens of different options for the occasion. While your tastebuds melted, eyes widening at all the fantastic flavors, Tendou speaks up. 

"I want to move to France." 

Immediately you choked on your bite. Coughing as his mothers eyes widened in surprise. Her hands start to fan you in worry as she stares her son down. "Don't die, todays special my dear!" She squeaks as the coughs continue. Once they settle you stare blankly at Tendou waiting for an explanation. 

"I just don't want to stay in Japan. There's nothing here for me besides people...which people can visit and move." 

His mother slumps to the side, "This doesn't have anything to do with your mental break downs does it?" 

Tendou snaps his head, eyebrow raised, "No, it does not. Matter of factly I just think France would be nice." 

Tendou was worried about how quiet you were being. It sunk deep into the pit of his stomach. Your face gave away no clues to your current thought process as you stared down at your food. It was as if you had no input for the first few minutes as you ate in silence. With every second Tendou's worry grew. 

Bouncing his foot, Tendou shoves food into his mouth while taking nervous glances over at you here and there. 

"So what part of France are we moving to?" The question sends Tendou into coughing fit.

"I said no dying!" His mother squeaks again, beginning to fan him with her hands. 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now