(13): Adorable

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"It's not my fault you had to run extra laps for kissing me!" You giggle, walking under the sun. Hand and hand with Tendou. His tall lanky figure seemed to tower over you in any setting but with his shadow casting over yours it looked as if he was twenty feet taller. You swing both of your hands. Enjoy the moment to its fullest.
"Yes it is!" Tendou whines, tilting his head to side as he watches you intently. He's always been extremely curious but when it came to what you thought in these moments he's been the most curious about lately. Tendou leans towards you enough to make you widen your eyes slightly. Still continuing to walk with him.
"Say...what's with that stupid smile on your face? YOU MADE ME RUN."
"It's a sport you're going to run!"
Tendou crinkles his face up, "You know what I mean~.."
Again, a soft sweet giggle falls from your lips. Even though it was all jokes your heart swelled with happiness. Seeing Tendou so upset lately has been worrisome, even if the two of you are progressing in whatever this relationship is, you still worried. So seeing him so hyper and excited, even if it was just to jokingly raise his voice at you, made your heart happy.
You feel a tug on your hand making your head snap towards the direction Tendou is now pulling you. Stumbling a little to keep up with his fast movements.
"I thought you were walking me home."
"Change of plans!" Tendou beams, "Ice cream!"
You let out a little sigh. Knowing it's not that big of a deal when you get home tonight. There's nothing crazy important happening for dinner. Nodding your head, you follow Tendou. His excitement for something as simple as ice cream very visible.
Taking a second to admire Tendou as he walks. You feel butterflies in your stomach. Something you've honestly never felt before. He always looked so handsome. No matter what he was doing, where he was or what mood he was in. Tendou always looked handsome. The mellow wind blows his hair around. It was down and in his face because of practice. Leaving it a little messy, but he pulled it off. You suddenly stop walking. Tendou pauses, confused on why you stopped walking and turns to you concerned.
But instead of being matched with an upset face. Something he was used to because of his ex. She always randomly just got upset for unknown reasons. He was met with the most wholesome smile he's ever seen. To him, you looked like a sweet angel. Eyes full of love.
"W-what is it...?" Tendou trails off. Suddenly nervous because of the way you're looking at him. You reach up and grab his chin, pulling his face down to yours and peck his lips. Nothing intense. Nothing crazy. Just a sweet soft kiss.
"You're just adorable, that's all." Tendou hears you whisper against his lips. Tucking a piece of hair behind his ear before letting him stand back up straight and continuing to walk.
The ice cream place was very small and only had outdoor seating. It was just a cute neighborhood parlor. There was a mom with her two kids out front. Smiling softly at you two before going back to wiping her youngest's face due to the ice cream mess on his face.
"This is cute." Tendou nods, looking around at the shop once the two of you are inside. It was basic. Nothing crazy. But the pastel colored walls contrasted each other nicely enough to get his attention.
You ordered your favorite flavor before Tendou got a giant scoop of chocolate ice cream. His absolute favorite food.
Naturally, he made sure you knew that as he began to eat it as soon as it was in his slender hands.
Paying, much to your dismay, Tendou grabs your free hand with his own free hand and makes you follow him to a table outside. A few feet away from the mom and her kids.
The sun feels so nice on your back as you look over at squinting Tendou. He doesn't seem to care though. A bright smile across his face as he eats the ice cream.
"Adorable." You mutter.
"Nothing, just eat up."

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now