(26): healing

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(Note: srry for not updating for so long. my computer had broken and it took a couple weeks to get it fixed. super sorry for the delay. love u all) 

The silence between Tendou and you is thick by the time the two of you make it back to his house. Tendou had said he's gonna pass on going to get dinner but that you could come over. Those were the last words he's said to you the whole way back. You had tried to start up a conversation on the bus ride home, but that didn't change the rock solid face Tendou kept. It seemed as if he was sitting in deep concentration. 

It wasn't that he was concentrating, more that Tendou was trying not to lose his shit. He'd taken into consideration the fact that you looked worried for him. Lines set deep in between your eyebrows due to the concerned face you'd scrunched up the whole way home. 

In between losing one of the most important games his third year and seeing you having a conversation with the orange umpalumpa kid, Tendou had his fill for most painful things to happen to him in a day. 

The two of you stock silently inside Tendou's quiet house. By the lack of sound you figure his mom is out right now. None of the lights are on and the normal noise of the livingroom TV that normally is flooding your ears the second you reach the stairs is absent. It was an odd feeling to see a house this empty. 

"Are we going to speak?" You finally question Tendou as he rounds his way up the squeaky stairs, "Or do you need quiet time after today?" 

"Oh we're speaking." The words leave Tendou's lips so forcefully that you scrunch your face up in disgust. 

'Oh boy,' you think as you hastily follow him up the stairs. 

Tendou sets his things down next to his desk before taking a seat in the desk chair. Leaning his body over, elbows balanced evenly on his knees. Hands cradling his jaw as he looks down at the floor. It was quite obvious to you that he was thinking of the right words to say. Part of you wished he wouldn't have the same tone as minutes before. It wasn't fair of him to be upset with you; yet, you understand his frustration isn't because of you. 

Quietly, you sit down on his bed. Discarding your bag to the side. Keeping all your attention on the boy in front of you. Tenodu's hair was down and in his face. The sweat from the match probably made the product get all messed up. You could never understand why he did his hair just to play volleyball but Tendou looked cute so whatever. The angered look on his face was making you a little nervous. It doesn't take long for Tendou's eyes to snap up into yours. Glancing between your bouncing leg and your eyes a few times before he lets out a sigh. The tension in the room is bursting. 

If this wasn't so stressful you probably would've been turned on his demeanor alone. 

"So we're not speaking." The words slip out of your mouth after a few minutes of just staring at each other. Despite the ball of anxiety pressing against your chest right as you said the words a smile breaks out across your face. A little giggle falling from your lips. 

The light in your eyes lifts a little worry off Tendou's shoulders. You weren't anything but worried about him right now, and it's painfully obvious. 

"We should've won that game." 

You nod softly, "But we didn't. And I'm sorry because I know how hard all of you worked everyday." 

Tendou only nods, glancing away from your gaze for a second. The overwhelming sense of grief that is washing over his whole body weighs him down more than anything he's ever felt before. It was so important that they win. It was so important that they beat Karasuno. It was so important that Tendou beat Hinata. 

The energy that Tendou had pent up inside since the second the game had ended was releasing. Waves of pain radiated from his body. So strong even you could sense the sudden downhill nature of his already decreasing demeanor. In seconds the waves are crashing. A shocking tremor shaking Tendou's whole body as he curls his body inward. It looks as though he's trying to retract into himself. 

Your arms are around him in seconds. Running your fingers through his hair and kissing his temple. Just holding him as he crashes. 

"We worked so hard! We trained for hours! Pushed harder than ever before, which says a lot for us. Coach already pushed us harder than most other schools. Ushijima made sure we were ready. You don't know how much this match meant to him. Karasuno is becoming a power house at this point and no one knows what that means for us. That's why coach had us work so hard! Baby, my whole high school career feels like it built up to this moment and we fucking lost!" 

Tendou rocks back and forth as angry tears wash down his cheeks. His cheek rests on your shoulder as you pull him from the chair onto the ground. Completely wrapping yourself around him. Arms holding him securely. Your own chin rests on top of his head. You only listen to his cries, running your fingers soothingly through his hair. Wishing you could fix everything but knowing nothing will change the outcomes of today. Nothing could change the fact that they lost. Nothing could replace all his hard work. Nothing could replace his lost time. 

"Just because you lost doesn't mean that is what will define you. No one could've predicted your final year of school would have a match this dawning. None of this is on you, Ushijima, Washijo or the team. It was out of everyones hands. It was just fate. But, even though you're feeling low, things are going to go uphill from here. Lowest lows only mean hard work and happiness are ahead." 

"A-are you sure?" Tendou's arms have wrapped around your waist. Head buried in your shoulder. The two of you probably look crazy, curled up on the floor in each others arms as Tendou breaks down. But, somehow, this just felt right. You never wanted to be anywhere but by his side in times like these. It was obvious Tendou felt the same by the way he relied on your sturdy shoulder to listen to his cries. To help mend his broken heart piece by piece. 

Showing him that forgiveness and healing is possible. 

Slowly but surely. 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now