(3): DMs

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Tendou hums to himself as he walks with Ushijima through the halls on the way to practice. Stuck in his head per usual. All he can think about is his ex. The girl he used to spend all his time with. The girl he skipped school and practice for. The girl he gave his whole heart to in order to take away her own heart break. Staying with her day and night, knowing she could never love him back but he didn't care as long as he could love her in that moment.
He felt like such a loser.
He can't deny that the thought of what could have been has been affecting his reality. Affecting the way he views himself.
Because after all of that. She went back to the guy who he had tried to replace. But he couldn't.
Tendou didn't feel like enough.
So here he is, humming like nothing in the world is wrong as he gets ready to get screamed at by his oh so loving coach.
That is until a girl catches his eye. You're standing outside a classroom bickering with another girl. Laughing as you play argue, shaking your head furiously.
Beautiful, Tendou thinks to himself before stopping in his tracks to just watch you. You were always so nervous around him so he's never seen you so carefree.
Your uniform hugs your body in all the right angles making his eyes linger longer than they should. Ushijima stopping to follow his gaze is what makes Tendou continue to walk. Catching up quickly.
Your eyes catch the movement. A furious blush rising to your cheeks as you notice the tall boy staring you down. Running a hand through his hair as he smiles warming down at you.
That was the extent of the interaction but it was enough to make you weak.
He had you wrapped around his finger and you didn't know why.


You scroll through instagram while dead in bed. Your body had become one with the comforter wrapped around you. You realize you're up way to late but your mind can't rest. After studying for hours you decided just staring at your phone was the best decision. You felt brain dead.
As you scroll through the explorer feed of instagram you get a notification. A follow request.
You click on the notification and get flustered instantly.
Tendou has requested to follow you. Quickly you accept, following his public account back quickly. You of course had stalked his account in the past. But you notice he had posted a new picture since then.
It was a mirror picture of him. His hair was disheveled and he looked like a hot mess. You smile at the picture before going back to looking at your explorer feed. Silently freaking out over the fact that he followed you.
Why is he so obsessed with me? Even after rejecting my confession...?, you overthink these two questions for what feels like hours before your phone buzzes. You had put it down to think over the days events but of course like it's some kind of fantasy your thoughts are interrupted with a dm from Tendou.

- Up so late, cutie? >:(

You can't help but stare at the screen a little too long before fumbling to pick it up. Opening the dm and quickly type a response. You didn't feel as flustered hidden behind a screen. Easily thinking of a response.

@: MilkBreadMuncher
- you caught me stuck in thoughts of you •_•

- how quant~! ideas of me must consume your head often (~_~)

You blink at your screen. Unaware of the smile spread across Tendou's face as he lays wrapped like a burrito on his bed. His face lit up by the light of his phone.
Tendou's mind had been running wild with thoughts of your smile. Your giggle ringing through his ears on repeat as he remembers the events from the hallway.
He made the impulse decision to DM you once he realized he needed to get to know you. He needed to know why you were so shy around him but could be so cute in front of others.
Tendou wanted to know why he was different.
So your sudden confidence as you hide behind your screen takes him by surprise.
Ideas brew as he reads your response.

@: MilkBreadMuncher
- that information will cost you immense amounts of milk bread. it's required.

- you'll be drowning in milk bread by the time i'm done questioning you, (Y/N)~

There it is. Tendou was so confident saying your given name to you. It's unlike anything you've ever seen. He's so comfortable assuming the two of you will be close. Assuming it's okay.
He would be correct though. Your mind has replayed your name against his lips on repeat ever since he said it that one day at the vending machine. It was like music to your ears. You felt your face growing hot as you thought about it.
Smiling to yourself.
As the two of you continue to talk you lose track of time. Both of you staying up later than you should've. Getting so caught up in the conversation.
Neither of you knew what would come of this interaction.
But Tendou knew one thing, he was happy he acted impulsively.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now