(10): #10

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After such an intimate moment with Tendou yesterday you decided to promise yourself to try to take things a little slower. Maybe go on a date, meet parents or at least actually hang out outside of school.
So far nothing about the two of you seemed anything near a relationship besides how much you both seem to care for one another.
So here you are, trying to be a supportive whatever you are to him by sitting in the stands at his game. You didn't tell him you were coming. You want it to be a surprise.
As you sit in the back of the Shiratorizawa side, you peak your head over at the other teams banner. It's black and orange.
'I haven't seen this school before, Karasuno? Huh,' You think to yourself. Sighing softly, you rest your chin on the palm of your hand. Watching the game unfold.
You can't call yourself a volleyball expert souly because you have no idea what the rules are or who goes where, but you definitely enjoy watching. Something about athletes...or rather, knowing that the person you like is playing and watching them, makes you get kinda flustered.
Let's just say you're glad you're in the back by yourself by the end of the game. To your surprise the other team put up a good fight, you never would've expected it.
But something that happened in the game worried you enough to break your original plan of surprising Tendou outside the gym after the game.
You slip off the bench and walk down to the court.
The memory replaying in your head.

Tendou was watching a small red headed boy run across the court. Back and forth, back and forth, trying to get a read on him. Tendou's face twists into an angry scowl. Something you've NEVER seen on him. You've never seen him so angry.

When you make it to the bench, standing next to coach Washijo, the old man sends you a side glance before returning to looking at his team doing cool down stretches.
It isn't until your eyes follow Tendou's, landing on a girl running to a Karasuno boy, that you get flashbacks to Tendou's words yesterday.
"A Karasuno boy...she loved a Karasuno boy." You whisper, watching the couple. The red head kisses her face all over. Wrapping his arms around her tightly as if he has something to prove. As if he has something to claim.
That's when the girls eyes catch yours.
She's beautiful.
That's your first thought.
Anger builds inside your chest at the idea that this could be that girl. The girl that threw Tendo away like he was a play toy to use when she wanted attention. How could someone treat another human being so cruelly? It's disgusting.
"Watch it, I can feel your daggers from here."
You're snapped out of your thoughts. Blinking.
Ushijima is the one who spoke. He seems to be the only one that's noticed you.
He's standing next to the coach, also looking over at the girl who pretends to not notice either of you staring.
Ushijima doesn't say anything else. He's not a man of words but it was apparent that your question was confirmed.
That's the girl. The girl that broke Tendo's heart, and Tendo can't seem to take his eyes off her.
It was becoming painfully obvious that he was trying not to stare. Somehow though, his eyes always seemed to glance back.
Unnoticed to you however Tendou was trembling with anxiety. So much anxiety that he couldn't focus on his surroundings or what he was supposed to be doing. When the team switched stretches he stayed sitting on the ground, one leg extending with his arm reaching out. His eyes glued to her small figure.
She had no remorse. Payed no mind to how her presence could affect him, but then again why should she? Tendou was the one who said he needed to leave her in the very end...he told her that she could tell Hinata loved her and that he could tell she loved him. So he packed his bags and returned home.
Tendou didn't only lose a lover that day...but a childhood friend.
And she didn't seem to give a single damn.


After the boys helped clean up the gym and Karasuno boys were ready to head out that's when you finally decided to approach Tendou.
He was so lost in thought that his normal observant self hadn't noticed you patiently waiting on the bench.
When you finally saw him up close you realized how broken he was. His hands trembled, bags somehow formed under his eyes. His bottom lip all chewed up.
You quietly reached out for his hand. This made him pause before he pulled you into his chest. Engulfing you in a tight hug.
Casually, you rub his back to comfort him. Hiding the shock of your current situation.
Hugging him until his trembling resides.
"Thank you..."
You don't answer, you just pull away and place a soft kiss on his cheek. It came naturally. You didn't even have to think. Your soft lips just touched his silky skin, worries of what you two are flying out the window.
Unknown to either of you though. She was watching you both closely.
Unknown to either of you, she felt jealously in the pit of her stomach.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now