A Day In The Life of Me

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"I want you to focus, Rose Gold."

It was the same lesson for the past week; Turn the coal into a diamond.

This is supposed to be an easy spell. Well, for other wizards, maybe.

But my teachers know just as much as I do. Vendal taught me in the mornings while Blinky would give me lessons at night. They taught me what they could from spell books they had.

They taught me a lot of spells, but my magic is… how do I put this? Unstable.

"Concentrate on the coal and imagine it changing."

I stared at the coal and held up my rose shaped wand. Vendal handcrafted this beautiful wand, just for me when I was seven.

I focused on the coal and mustered up as much power as I could. My wand began to glow white along with the coal. It was dim, but it was something. I concentrated harder, the glow got brighter, and the coal began to shake. It was shaking so much, I thought it would explode.

Oh, gosh! Is this the one?!

Just as the coal glowed its brightest, the light shot back at me, burning my hand.

"Ow!" I said, dropping my wand. I looked at my hand, which was now slightly red.

Vendal walked up to me and said, "That will be all for today's lesson, Rose Gold."
I sighed disappointed, "I'm sorry. I'm trying my best, I really am."

"I know you are. But there's only so much I can help you with."

"Hey, you still help me a lot. It took a while, but I can do that rainbow light spell." I picked up my wand and made the room sparkle and shimmer with color, like a rainbow disco ball.

"You see? You and Blinky are great teachers. I just need more practice."

"I'm afraid mastering a few spells isn't enough to master magic." Vendal said.
My face fell at those words. I knew he was right, but I never liked hearing it.

"Rose Gold, you have great power and potential. But Blinky and I aren't the best teachers for you. It would be best if you were taught by a fellow wizard, but the chances of finding one are one in a blue moon."

"But, I'm so close. I know I am." I said, "If you could just teach me-"
"I can only teach what is in the books. I know you're eager, Rose Gold, but unless another way comes by, all you can do is learn from us and try your best."

I nodded silently. I knew they would teach me more if they could, but it's just not possible. Unless Merlin decides to rise from the dead to teach me, my chances of stabilizing my magic are slim.
But like I said, Blinky and Vendal were great teachers. I just have to keep trying.

"I'll see you around, Vendal." I said as I walked out of the room.

I walked through Trollmarket to get to my room to ice my hand, cause, oh, boy. Does your hand burn when it's blasted by magic?

Trollmarket's been my home for literally my whole life. It can be a bit intimidating, being the only human, but you get used to it pretty quick.

The biggest downside is the food. I do have a taste for a few troll delicacies, but human taste buds don't agree with dirty laundry. To help with that, I send gnomes to get me food from the surface and pretty much anything and everything from there.

When I got to my room, or I guess cave is the more appropriate word, I rummaged through my drawers for some ice, only to find out that I ran out yesterday.

Now, I needed to cast the ice spell I mastered literally last week. I grabbed my wand to do so when Blinky entered my room.

"Rose Gold, you will not believe what happened." He said, excitedly.

"Did Aaarrrggghhh!!! get stuck in a doorway again?" I asked, trying to ice my hand. If I could just remember the spell...

"No. It's-" He notices my hand, "Oh, dear. Are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just hurt myself during my lesson with Vendal. So, what's up?"

"It's the amulet. It chose a new Trollhunter. It chose a human."

My heart stopped and my eyes went wide in shock. I accidentally blasted my hand with coldness, freezing my hand solid.

"What?!" I asked. "But that's impossible."
"The amulet chose him for a reason. Aaarrrggghhh!!! and I must get to him tonight. I was wondering if you'd like to come with us."

I turned around to look at him. He already knew what my answer was gonna be.

"No, it's alright. I'm good." I said.
I tried doing the heat spell to thaw my hand.

"Rose Gold, I know how you feel about me talking about this, but aren't you the least bit curious about the surface? Where you came from?" Blinky asked.

Blinky meant well, but I really had no interest in going up to the surface.
"I'm perfectly happy in Trollmarket. I don't want to go up to the surface, honest."

Knowing where this was going, Blinky said, "Alright. I'll go after our lesson tonight." He left behind the tarp that served as my makeshift door.

To tell the truth, I was a little curious about the surface.

So, why do I stay down here?

Because why should I go up? There's nothing waiting for me up there. There's no point in me going up there. Besides, what if I don't like what I find? It just sounds like a waste of time to me.

It's not like I have any family up there. My parents died when I was a baby.

So, like I said. No point.

I was able to thaw my hand and sat on my bed, or well, mattress.

I turned on the old TV I had and popped a nougat nummy in my mouth. Those things are dope. I watched a sappy romance movie.

I don't know why Blinky always asks me about going to the surface. I have everything I need down here.

TOA Book 1: Rose Gold's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now