Scattered Pieces of a Puzzle

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I was in my room sharing the cookies Claire and I made with Amber, Aaarrrggghhh!!!, and Blinky, and telling them about what I found out.

"So, what you're saying is your necklace was guiding you to the revelation that your father was a jewelry salesman?" Blinky asked.

"That's what it seems like." I shrugged, "I mean, it hasn't done anything else since. So, shouldn't that be it?"

"Makes sense." Amber said with her mouth full, "But I thought you didn't want to know about your parents."

"I don't."

"Denial." Aaarrrggghhh!!! said.

"What? I'm not in denial."

"Sounds like something someone in denial would say." Amber smirked.

"Are you not the least bit curious about your lineage, Rose Gold?" Blinky asked.

"I-I.... I just.... I'd rather not know." I said, "My necklace showed me what it wanted me to see, and that's that." I got up to go to the surface, "I'm gonna head out for a little bit."

"Alright." Blinky said, "We'll be with Draal later tonight."


I had no idea what they were talking about. In denial? I found out one fact about my father and that's that. It's not like there's anything more the necklace wanted to show me. Besides, I don't want to know about my parents. I'm good where I am.

After walking around the forest for a bit, I found Claire, Toby and Jim walking through town pulling bags of flour in a wagon?

Did I miss something?

"Hey, guys." I said when I came to them.

"Hey, Rose Gold." Jim waved.

"Uh, what's with the flour?"

"They're our babies." Claire said holding up a bag with a sharpie face, "This is Petunia."

"And this is Sir Isaac Gluten." Toby said, gesturing to the bag with a band-aid over its eye.

"Is this how parenting works on the surface?" I asked.

"It's for a class." Jim said, "We just have to keep them alive for a day."

"Oh, ok. How hard is taking care of a bag of flour?"

"You'd be surprised at how many of our classmates already failed." Claire said.

That doesn't sound great.

"It's ok." Jim said, "Doesn't mean we're gonna fail as flour parents."

"Isn't it kind of crazy to think... we might be parents someday?" Claire asked.

Jim looked at Claire kinda shocked, "Not like that. I'm just saying, have you ever thought about what it'd be like, raising a teenager?"

"If it's anything like in movies, it sounds like a nightmare." I said.

"All I know is, I won't be like mine. My mom can't even remember my birthday without checking her schedule first." Claire threw a rock in frustration.

"Well, closest thing to a dad I ever had turned out to be a changeling. And then he tried to kill me." Jim said.

"Comin' through!" Toby said riding the wagon as a scooter, making Claire laugh.
"At least we have parents."

Toby took an adorable selfie with Isaac Gluten.

"Wait, Toby's an orphan?" I asked.
Jim nodded solemnly.

"What about you, T.P.?" Claire asked, "Do you remember your mom and dad?"

TOA Book 1: Rose Gold's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now