The New Trollhunter

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A day or two later, I was just walking around Trollmarket after my lesson with Blinky. He left with Aaarrrggghhh!!! to the surface to meet with the new Trollhunter.

Fortunately, I didn't get burnt during the lesson, but I still managed to blow up the spell in my face.


I washed my face off, but I still had some ashes stuck to my face.

I walked past the bar when I heard, "Hey, Rose Gold! Over here!"

I looked over to see my best friend Amber. Amber is one of my closest friends in Trollmarket. She was around my shoulder height, had lavender stone skin with deep purple hair in a pixie cut, elven ears, and wore a tan sleeveless crop top with tan shorts.

Amber's pretty feisty. She doesn't take any crap from anyone and will be brutally honest with you, no matter what.

I made my way over to her. The moment I sat down, she said, "You look like hell."

"I just got back." I said.

"So, what was it this time?"

"Potion blew up in my face. I washed off what I could. Ugh! I don't know why I keep messing up. I'm not bad at magic, I just don't know how to stabilize it."

"No, you're very bad." She said.


"You need to stop stressing out about this, Rose Gold. You need to relax, have some fun."

I considered this for a minute. Yeah, I probably was putting a little too much pressure on myself.

"You're right. Maybe I have been overworking myself."

"You know I'm right, girl." Amber said.
"What is this!?"

We jumped at the sudden shout, "Was that Draal?" Amber asked.

We got up and ran towards a crowd of trolls that Draal was standing in the middle of. Draal was also my best friend. He'd always stand up for me when I was picked on.

"I was just getting to that, Draal." I heard Blinky say.

I made my way to the center of the crowd beside Draal. "What's going on?"
It didn't take long for me to figure that out.

Standing in the center of the crowd were Blinky, Aaarrrggghhh!!!, and two human boys; a tall thin one and a short round one.

My heart stopped.

I've never seen another human face to face. So it's true. The new Trollhunter is human. But, which one?

"Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmarket before." Draal snarled.

"Hey, that's not true! What about the girl standing right there?" The round one said.

"We can worry about that later." Blinky said.

Thanks, Blinky. Not like I wanted an introduction anyway.

"Who are these fleshbags?"

"Believe it or not, he is... um. How do I put this? Our new Trollhunter!" Blinky said, gesturing to the tall one.

That makes sense.

The rest of the trolls gasped in horror while I stared at the two of them.

"He can't be the Trollhunter! He's not a Troll!" Draal said, pounding the ground with his fists, knocking the tall into Aaarrrggghhh!!!

"Amulet chose." Aaarrrggghhh!! said.

"Try to remain calm!" Blinky tried to say, "Destiny is just-"

"Show him Jimbo!" The round one interrupted.

TOA Book 1: Rose Gold's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now