Snooping B*tch

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Jim called me saying that Aaarrrggghhh!!!, Blinky and Toby were going to snoop the changeling, or Mr. Strickler's, office to find anything that could lead us to Killahead. To distract Strickler, he was gonna be at Jim's house. I offered to help at Jim's place, cause I wanted to be around him and I wanted to see Draal again.

When I got there, Jim was explaining the plan to Draal.

"I do not approve of this plan." Draal said. "It lacks a certain 'killing the changeling' component."

"I would love to, but not until they locate the bridge, okay?" Jim said, stirring a bowl. "And find out what he wants with me."

"Hey guys." I said, climbing through the basement window, "Haven't seen you in a while, Draal."

"Great to see you as well, Sparky." He said as I walked to them, "We could rip off his limbs, make him talk, more like scream. Now that sounds like a good plan."

"No, no ripping anything. My mom... ugh! She kind of likes him. And since she's here, I can't have you busting chops unless it's a last resort, and only if it's a last resort." Jim said.

"Interesting." I said, twirling the end of my ponytail, "Are you a sucker for romance?"

"Mmm... a little." Jim said. My heart fluttered, but then he said, "But I don't know the first thing about it. It's why I have a hard time with Claire."

My face fell and my blood boiled. Is he always thinking about her?

"How will I know this 'last resort'?" Draal asked.

"Okay, if everything's cool, I'll stomp once. If I run into any trouble, I'll stomp twice. Got it?"

"Two times. Then I tear his limbs"

Jim went upstairs, "Just stay down here. And no limb tearing. Rose, keep an eye on him."

"I will." I called out.
He smiled back at me before leaving. His smile is so sweet.

Draal looked at me and said, "I saw that."

"What?" I asked.

"You have stirrings for the fleshbag, don't you, Sparky?"

"No... he's a friend."

I wasn't sure what Draal would think if he knew I liked Jim. It seemed like he and Jim got along, but I didn't want to risk Draal getting mad.

"You're lying, Sparky." He said, "I saw the way you were looking at him."

"Let's not talk about me right now!" I said, wanting to change the subject, "How's the surface?"

"It's easy to hide from the fleshbag's mother, since she almost never comes down here. And the Trollhunter's excelling in his extra training."

"So you're getting along with him?"

"Quite so."

I let out a tiny sigh of relief. Draal was one of the most stubborn trolls I've met, so seeing him get along with Jim, another human, was great.

"But didn't you always say you'd never come to the surface?" He asked, "Why the sudden change?"

I looked down and shifted my feet, "Well, it took a lot of convincing, but I'm gonna give the surface a chance. But I'm not here to explore, I'm here to help."
Draal smiled and we both heard the window open.

We turned to see Claire come into the basement and Draal hid behind the boiler.

What, in the name of Merlin, is she doing here?!

"Fortune favors the bold, Claire." She said as she pressed against a pole to hear what was going on.

"Huh... Claire?" Draal said.

"You know her?" I whispered.

"I remember Jim speaking about her. He was nervous about pressing his face to hers."

I gritted my teeth to the point where they could be used for sawing lumber.
"What's she doing here?"

"Know what?" Claire asked herself.
Claire's phone rang she answered, "Can't talk, Mare. I'm kind of in the middle of something."

Draal and I try to not be seen as Claire was right in front of us.

"Don't make a sound." I whispered.
After what felt like an eternity, the floor stomped a few times. I knew that was supposed to be our signal, but we couldn't make out what was going in since there was so much stomping.
It was so much it caused dust to fall and Claire sneezed.

"Gesundheit." Draal said, trying to count the stomps.

I facepalmed as Claire turned around. She turned around and screamed when she saw Draal. I grabbed an old pan, ran behind her and hit her in the head, knocking her unconscious.

"That felt good." I said looking proudly at my work.

"You wish to vanquish this Claire?" Draal asked.

"Vanquish is a strong word, wouldn't you say?" I said, hiding the pan behind my back.

We heard a number of stomps and had a hard time counting them. We just decided to stay down here since we didn't know what was happening.
After a few minutes, we heard Strickler leave. This was our chance to tell Jim about what happened.

Draal and I went upstairs to see Jim talking to his mom. We peaked our heads out from behind the stairs and Draal held out an unconscious Claire upside down asking what to do.
Jim shakes his head and gestures to the side.

"Two faced? It sounded like you guys got along so well." Jim's mom said.

"Honestly? He's not the guy he says he is." He said as we backed away.

We went to the backyard and dropped Claire in the grass.

"What do you propose we do with her?" Draal asked.

"I'd like to say you grind her up and I use her bones as kindling for my fire, but we should just send her home." I said.

I don’t really want her dead, I just don't want her around Jim.

"My teleportation spell's a bit rusty, but it should get the job done."

I held out my wand and thought about wherever NotEnrique was. The way teleporting works is that I have to think of a living thing I want to go to.

A glowing light disk appeared below her as she slowly fell through, bringing her home. As soon as she was gone, the disk began to shake and disappeared with a loud pop.

Can you believe that the pop isn't supposed to happen?

"Still gotta work on that. It was great seeing you again, Draal."

"To you as well, Sparky. Send my regards to Amber."

"She misses you, too." Just as I turned to leave, I turned back to Draal and said, "Oh, and Draal?"

He turned to me with a curious face.
"She once had stirrings for you, too."

I turned around and went back to Trollmarket. He didn't say anything, but I hope I didn't just ruin Draal and Amber's friendship.

She didn't say I couldn't tell Draal, so I think I'm in the clear.

I hope I don't have to see that snooping b*tch again.


I just saw the teaser for the movie and Oh, my God! I'm in shambles!!!

My body is ready 😃😃❤

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