Long Live The Trollhunter

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It was agony waiting at the hospital. It's been hours and no one was saying anything.

After a night of silence, I went back to Trollmarket, only to see that Amber and Blinky were missing. 

I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't just tell Vendel what was going on, so I went back to the hospital with Toby the next morning.

"Blinky and Amber still haven't come back yet." I told him as we entered the hospital. "You think they're OK?

"I'm not sure. But let's see how Jim's doing." He said.

We were let into Jim's room and he was sitting up, looking at his phone.

I felt a wave of relief rush over me when. There were some scratches on his arms, but other than that, he was alive and ok.

"Hey, Jim." Toby said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

He smiled at us and said, "A little sore, but I'm still kicking." He turned serious as and held out his phone to us, "You guys need to hear this."

He played a recording on his phone, "Master Jim, you must listen to me very carefully. They've captured me and Amber, and want you to come to the Bridge... alone. Don't come! It's a trap!"

"Give me that!", Strickler is heard on the phone, "It appears things have grown awkward, Mr. Lake. Meet me in the alley beside the theater if you ever want to see your friends again."

"Don't open the bridge! Under no circumstan--"

My heart dropped to my stomach. Blinky and Amber were in big trouble. Who knows what they're doing to them?

"I've listened to it a hundred times now, and I still don't know what to do." Jim said.

"You don't have to do this alone. You've got Aaarrrggghhh, Draal, Rose, and me." Toby said. 

"My magic can help." I said, "I just need to be careful not to fry any of you."

"They said I had to be alone. If I'm not, what do you think they'll do to Blinky and Amber?" Jim said. 

"Blinky made it clear. 'Under no circumstances.'" Said Toby.

"Enough friends have gotten hurt because of me. No more."

"Well, it's your call. You're the Trollhunter. Here." Toby hands Jim the amulet, "I picked it up in the woods after they dragged you away. I thought since we found it together, we'd always be in this together."

"I said I was gonna help you, Jim." I said, "You need to give us a chance to do that."

"Hello, Toby." Jim's mom said as she came in.

"Hey, Dr. Lake. We were just leaving." Toby said.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met." Jim's mom said to me. 

"Oh, I'm Rose Gold." I said. "I'm new in town. Jim and Toby have been very sweet. And rest assured, I promise to look out for him." I bowed my head.

I was taught to show respect to my superiors. It's a big thing in Trollmarket. But when I looked up at Jim's mom, she had a small look of confusion.

"Uhh, thanks." She said.

"He's all yours. Can you believe it? Coyotes." Toby said as we left.

I was a little annoyed with Jim. Why was he insisting that he does this on his own? Doesn't he want our help?

"Is he always this self reliant?" I asked.

"Sorta." Toby shrugged. "It's always just been him and his mom, and they look out for each other."

TOA Book 1: Rose Gold's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now