First Days

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Hey!!! This is my 1st fanfic, ever, so I hope you enjoy, I will try to update often, but I am still in school, so that will affect the timing in between my updates. I hope you like it! :)

(Erens POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I groaned and slid out of bed. Today was the 1st day at my new school, Maria High. I was nervous, to say the least. I quickly got dressed in a Green Day T-shirt and jeans, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When I got down there Mikasa embraced me in a tight hug.

"What are you-"

"It's our 1st day back at school!!" She squealed. I forgot she loves school.

"Yay" I said with no excitement whatsoever in my voice.

"Awww!!! Come on be happy!! I know you'll make friends!" She finally let go and started walking to the kitchen.

"Eggs?" I asked "Again?" I wanted something else, something sugary. Mikasa just glared at me. I sat up on the stool and waited for her to hand me my plate.

"So this year's going to be tough isn't it?" She opended the cabinet, filled up 2 glasses of milk and handed me one.

"Thanks" I murmur. I paused for a minute thinking "No?? Why would it be hard?"

Mikasa shifted uncomfortably "Well... it's your 9th grade year, and..." She trailed off.

"And what?" I asked. I really had no idea what she was talking about. Could it be...? No she wouldn't bring that up this soon.

"Well Mom and Dad-"

"Mikasa" I interrupted "Too soon." Suddenly my phone went off signalling for us to leave. I finished off what was left on my plate and got up to leave. Mikasa was in the same grade as me. She has been living with me since we were very young. She is not a blood relative, but acts like one. Every little thing Mom used to do, she does. I slipped on my black Vans and walked out to the bus stop. We waited about 5 minutes until the bus arrived.

Our Mother and Father passed away earlier this summer and we've been left to fend for ourselves. Mikasa and I are doing fine, oddly enough, we both have a job we can walk to. We really don't have that much money, but we still have quite a nice house. Neither of us can drive yet, so that's not an option for transportation to school, so we were basically forced to take the bus.

When we got on the bus it was packed, if I didn't know better, I would say that our stop was the last, but sadly, I was wrong. Mikasa found a seat in the very front, next to a blonde haired girl, but I, on the other hand, had to go to the second to last seat. I walked up to the boy sitting there.

"May I sit here?" I politely asked. I stood there for a seconds wondering if he even heard me. This boy had pitch black hair and these beautiful grey-blue eyes.He wore a My Chemical Romance T-shirt and black skinny jeans. He was staring out of the window with a blank expression. He was perfect. Suddenly he sighed.

"Guess I'm just too good lookin, aren't I?" He chuckled at his stupid joke "Sure you can sit here, but don't you dare try to talk to me, unless I talk to you got it?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sure" I said before seating myself. I sat there for quite some time until he finally talked.

"Im bored, so what's your name?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. 'Hopefully we can be friends' I thought.

"Eren Jaeger" I responded simply. He looked at me with a confused face.

"Gay-ger?" He asked. I nearly facepalmed. He snikered at that.

"No, it's Jaeger like yay and ger." I blushed. No one has ever pronouced my last name wrong.

"Oh ok." He resumed his gazing out of the window. "That's an interesting name, brat." He added while still facing the window. I turned to look at him.

"Well thanks? I guess? Oh what's your name?" I asked not quite sure whether I shoud ask him. He turned to face me, his anger was evident.

"Oi, didn't I tell you not to talk to me unless I talked to you?" He sighed and looked out of the window again.

"Well technicaly we never ended the conversation, so-" I stopped. He was glaring at me with his stone cold eyes. I felt like he was restraining from killing me. I gulped and scooted closer to the edge of the seat.

"I'm Levi Ackerman." He stated. I turned back to look at him, but couldn't see his face, for he was facing the window again. "Now you, I like you." I was taken aback by those sudden words. "You didn't even hesitate when asking me that." He paused for a minute. "You're new aren't you?" His eyes were piercing every inch of my body. It was terrifying.

"Yeah I'm new this year." I said with a shaky voice. I thought for a moment. 'Oh don't tell me he's one of those bad kids who always cause trouble. That can't be he seems so peaceful, except for his eyes. Oh God his eyes are a separate being themsleves.'

"Ah well then 'Eren Jaeger' here's a little bit of advice. Don't call me any nicknames, or I will make sure you die a horrible death. Also just 'cause I talked to you doesn't mean we are 'best buds' so don't expect me to be nice. Oh and one more thing. Don't you dare back talk me." I absorbed every word coming from his mouth. He was quite an interesting person, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be friends with someone like him.

(Mikasa's POV)

When I sat down on the bus I sat next to this blond haired chick who obviously didn't give a shit that I was there.I sat there quietly playing Flow Free. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I expected it to be Eren, but I was wrong. It was the blonde. She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't seem to talk. She cleared her throat.p

"Hi, Im Annie Leonhardt, who might you be?" Her cheeks turning a pink colour. I smiled at her.

"Hi Annie, I'm Mikasa Ackerman." When I said my last name she gasped loudly and jumped up against the window. I gasped too at her sudden reaction.

"You are an Ackerman?!" She nearly screamed"Get out of my seat!!" She was yelling quite loudly.

"What's so terrifying about being an Ackerman?" I asked. I was really confused, out of all the reactions I imagined, I didn't imagine that.

"You are realated to Levi right?!!" I looked at her. Levi? Who the hell was he?

"Um no I don't know a Levi." I said plainly. That seemed to rile her up even more.

"Liar!! You just don't want to have to live under the terrible shadow that your brother has cast on you!" She was gasping for air, terrified beyond belief.

"What? Eren is new here, he can't already have a bad reputation." I couldn't wrap my head around all this. 'What's going on?' I thought.

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