Why Do You Ruin Everything?

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Ok, so this chapter will contain a little bit of smut, so just letting you guys know. Um, I suck at writing smut, so don't expect it to be amazing. Also it won't be much, because I literally can't write it without dying first. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

(Eren's POV)

I was really confused at what Levi was doing. He was acting fine, then he just randomly picked me up, and carried me to his room. He sat me down, quite roughly actually, on his bed, and then walked to his door, and locked it. Ok. I'm scared now. He came back over to the bed.

"W-What are y-you doin-" I was cut off, by Levi's lips against mine. I immediately melted into the kiss. Levi lightly bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I refused and kept my mouth closed. I felt his hand slip under my shirt, and he took it off of me. I squeaked, and that gave him the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I felt my face turn a bright red. His fingers were tracing the muscles of my stomach as we kissed. He pulled away, desperate for air. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, and carfully pulled it over his head. I looked back up at him, and pulled him into another kiss. His lips were so sweet, and soft, and oh my god I could kiss them all day. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and grabbed a fistful of his hair. I felt his hand fall from my stomach to the button on my shorts. He was about to undo the button, when we heard a furious knocking at his door. We both jumped up. I quickly slipped my shirt back on, and looked over to see he was doing the same. I quickly ran a hand through my hair, and followed Levi down stairs. He opened the door as I rounded the corner. I wish I had gone slower, I wish she hadn't seen me. But too late. I was standing in front of my overly protective adopted sister, and I knew, I was dead. Shit. What now? Do I run, and try to hide... wait she never called last night. Instead of running, I just weakly smiled.

"Mikasa! Hey" I said half-heartedly. She glared daggers back. I flinched, and had to resist the urge to hide behind Levi.

"Eren." She growled. "What. The. Hell." She said in a very calm manner. I knew that was her way of saying I'm not dealing with any shit. I backed around the corner.

"Sorry Mikasa! Nature calls!" I bolted around the corner, before either of them could say anything. I knew she was going to be pissed at that move, but I didn't care, I just needed to hide.

(Levi's POV)

So, this girl, is Eren's adopted sister. Hm. I don't see how he's so terrified of her. I looked at her again.

"Levi. Ackerman. I have hated you since day 1 at this school. You have passed my not shit border!" She was yelling now.

"What the hell did I ever do to you?!" I yelled back.

"You have the same last name as me! People hate me because of that!" I could basically see the fumes coming out of her head.

"It's not my damn fault! I don't get to choose my last name! Anyways, I was born 1st, so it's your fault for having the same last name as me!" I glared at her. What the hell was taking Eren so long?

"Whatever! Ok?! Just don't even think about touching Eren. Ever. I will wipe that smug look right off your face!"

"Hmmm? Really? You're threatening me? How cute!" I chuckled. She thinks she can beat me up?! I smirked back up at her. She raised her fist to punch me, but I quickly kicked her in the stomach, sending her to the ground, and rolling into my lawn.

"Don't you dare get blood on my newly mowed grass!" I shouted before slamming the door. I walked to the bathroom and quietly knocked. Silence.

"Eren, it's me." I said, rattling the door knob. I heard the lock turn, and I opened the door. Eren jumped out from the bathroom, and hugged me. He had a look of pure terror plastered on his face.

"Hey, it's ok." I ran my hand through his hair. "I really don't see why you are so scared of her." I gave him a small smile.

"W-Well that's easy f-for you to s-say. I'm not fast enough to get a single hit on her." He shook a little.

"Alright, looks like I get to teach you some fighting moves." I smirked at him. I carfully picked him up and placed him on the couch. I suddenly heard the loud, abnoxious knocking resume. It scared Eren to death, but didn't even phase me. I sat down next to him and turned the TV on. I turned the volume all the way up, so it drowned out the noise of her knocking. Suddenly the window in the living room shattered into a million, tiny, dangerous pieces. I stood up.

"What. Nope. Mi- Mi- uh Eren what's her name again?" I asked.

"M-Mikasa." Eren said, before running back to the bathroom.

"Mikasa! Breaking and entering! That's a crime, I could call you in! Wait I will call you in, unless..." I started mumbling. She walked through the window, stepping over the glass.

"Unless what, midget?" She smirked at me. Self-defense. That's an excuse. If I punch her here and now, she'll fall back into the glass, harming her, but not killing her. I'll call the cops, report a breaking and entering, and I was acting upon self-defense. That works... right? I looked over at her.

"Let me have Eren." I stated.

"LET YOU WHAT?!!" She screamed.

"N-No- not- I-I just want him to live with me." I said. The first time sounded kind of... off.

"No way in hell." She said.

"Fine then, have it your way." I jumped over a piece of glass, and kicked her, square in the stomach. Again. She fell over, and landed on the glass. It'll hurt like hell, but she won't die. I casually walked over to my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello? Hi this is Levi Ackerman, at 3813 Scout Drive, I would like to report I breaking and entering. Yes. Um I hit her... yes m'am, a her. Anyways, I hit her in self-defense. Yes. Okay thank you." I hung up the phone, and threw it on the couch. No body calls me short.


Well. Wow. That was terrible. I'm sorry. I know, that scene sucked, so please forgive. Anyways, long-ish chapter. I hope you guys like it.


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