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Ok well I have had a spitting headache all day. I took some Advil, but it's not helping. So if there are typos or something doesn't make sense, that's why. Anyways, here's chapter 17!

(Levi's POV)

Eren sat down next to me. He talked to Armin, and everyone else, but me. I could sense his nervousness. I couldn't believe that he had asked me to hang out after school today. And to add to that, I can't believe his sister said 'yes'. I really don't like Eren's sister, because she hates me for some reason. 'I wonder... did he even ask his sister?' I tapped Eren in the shoulder.

"Eren, it is okay for you to hang out with me today right?" I looked up at him. He had the slightest bit of pink scattered across his face.

"Um, well-"

"You lied didn't you?" I interrupted. I didn't like the idea of being sneaky around his sister. I knew she'd figure out, and yell at Eren. But I thought it was sweet that Eren was willing to lie to his sister just to hang out with me.

"Ma-Maybe." He stuttered. I always thought it was insanely cute whenever he stuttered.

"Eren," I lowered my voice, because his sister always sat right behind us, "She's going to figure out." Eren shook his head.

"No she won't, I'm going to ask Armin, and see if he'll lie for me." Eren sat back up and poked Armin on the shoulder. The blonde turned around, they whisper.

"WHAT EREN!" Armin suddenly shouted. Eren lightly punched him on the arm.

"Shut up Armin!" He hissed at the blonde. I just sat there, trying not to laugh. I heard Armin sigh in defeat.

"Fiiinnneee!" Armin turned back around, and talked to Marco. I looked at Eren expectantly.

"So...?" I asked. I needed to know.

"Yeah, he agreed." Eren smiled at me. I had to use all my self control to not throw my arms around his neck, and kiss him. I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. 'I can't wait.'

~Time Skip to Last Period~

(Eren's POV)

'Great.' It's currently last period, and I hate last period. I have Gym for last period, with every other boy who took Gym. In other words, Levi is there too. He had been moved closer to my locker for getting into too many fist fights, and was now across from my locker. I usually had no problem getting dressed into our P.E. uniforms, but this time it was different. I set down my bag, and opened my locker. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"Oi, brat," It was Levi, "I had to move lockers, mine is right there." He pointed at a locker across from mine.

"Yeah, I know, I saw you do the combination." I grabbed my shirt, shorts, and sneakers. I stood up. "Shouldn't you get dressed?" I asked hesitantly. He glared back at me.

"You are probably right." He walked away, and took his shirt off. I couldn't help but notice that he had a 6 pack. He suddenly turned around and walked back towards me.

"Seriously Eren? I know I'm hot, but stop staring!" He hissed into my ears. I just stood there, completely dumbfounded.

"S-Sorry." I said. He sighed and walked back to his locker. I took my shirt off, and quickly slipped my P.E. shirt on. I glanced over at Armin, who was tying his shoes.

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