Another Day

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Hello my lovlies! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

(Eren's POV)

Levi suddenly fell over in his bed after mumbling something about a headache. I put my hand on his forhead. His head was burning up. I sighed, slightly disappointed that we didn't get much time together. I stood up and walked up to Doctor Blouse's office. I knocked, but got no answer. 'Hmmm. She must be tending to another patient. I'll just leave her a note.' I walked back to Levi's room. I grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen and wrote 'Dear Doctor Blouse, please contact me when Levi wakes up, I have to grab a bite to eat. Thank you. Eren.' I put the pen back where I found it and set the paper on top of all of her papers. I walked out of the hospital and headed to Chick-fil-A. I walked into Chick-fil-A to see Armin sitting all alone at a table.

"Hey Armin!" I yelled and walked over to him. He smiled back at me.

"Hey Eren! How's Levi?" He asked. Obviously he didn't really care, but just was curious.

"Oh he woke up today, only to pass out again, he should be fine." I sat down across from Armin. We talked for a little while, and I got up and ordered some chicken nuggets with a large Dr. Pepper. We ate, and talked all throughout the meal. It was after dark when we were done.

"Well I guess I'll be seeing you at school on Monday! Bye Armin!" I walked off, and headed back to the hospital. When I got there it was 9:00. I walked into Levi's room and sat down in the chair next to his bed. I laid my head down on his chest, as usual, and quickly fell asleep.

(Doctor Blouse's POV)

It was about 11:00 and it was time for me to check in on Levi. I walked in to see Eren fast asleep on Levi's chest. I growled, and checked to make sure Levi was in good health. I had to anyways, after trying to kill him the first time, I felt a ton of guilt. I also hated the depression I put Eren in. So, I had decided to keep Levi alive, and stay away from Eren. I looked over at Eren to see him shaking, it was very cold in the room. I pulled out a spare blanket and threw it over his shoulders. I smiled a bit and walked out of Levi's room, headed to my office. I walked into my office and started on the large stack of papers lying on my desk.

(Eren's POV)

I woke up and looked over at the clock next to Levi's bed. 3:27. Damn it. I had a horrible nightmare. It was about Levi. He had gotten better, but then one day, he got in another car crash, which he died on impact in. I sniffled and buried my face into his chest. 'I never want him to leave me. Ever.' I looked up at him to see his blue-grey eyes staring back. I smiled.

"Welcome back to reality Levi." I laughed a little bit. He growled back.

"Eren, my head hurts." He whined. The way he said it made me laugh harder. He sounded like a baby.

"Alright, I'll go get Doctor Blouse, and she can give you some pain medication." I got up and walked to Doctor Blouse's office. I knocked.

"Come in." She said sleepily. I walked in to see her working on some papers.

"Levi has a really bad headache, can you give him some painkillers?" I asked as politely as I could. She groaned, and stood up.

"Yeah, whatever." She and I walked to Levi's room. She walked in and grabbed the bottle of Aspirin. She took out 2 of them and handed them to me. "Make him take these, goodnight Eren." She walked out of the room, slightly slamming the door behind her. I handed him the pills and a glass of water. He took them quickly. I sat back down in my chair.

"Thanks." He mumbled. I smiled at him. I felt his hand on my cheek. I put my hand over his. "Eren." He whispered. "Go back to bed." I laughed at that, why would I want to go back to sleep?

"I can't, I'm awake now." I smirked at him. He moved his hand to the back on my head and pushed my head onto his chest.

"I said go back to bed, brat." He growled. I closed my eyes and smiled happily. I never realized how much I missed him called me brat. A couple of minutes later, I dozed off into a deep sleep.

(Levi's POV)

Eren had quickly fallen asleep on my chest, and I kept on wondering how in the world I had been passed out for 2 whole weeks. The more I thought about, the more it bothered me. I ran my hand through Eren's hair. Having his head on my chest, calmed me down, alot. I always wanted to be with Eren. Wow. That sounded really cheesy. I laughed a little bit. 'What the hell? I just... laughed... I haven't laughed in a long time.' I smiled and stared off into space. I felt myself falling asleep.

~Time Skip to the Morning~

I woke up and reached for Eren, only to see he was gone. I sighed. I decided today was going to be the day I tried to walk. I carefully sat up, and swung my legs over the bed. I put my right foot on the ground first, afraid to further hurt my left ankle. I held onto the bed side and pushed. I felt pain shooting through my entire body, but I kept on pushing, determined to stand, at least once. I was fully standing up, when Eren casually walked into my room with a burger in his hands. He gasped and ran over.

"Levi! Sit back down!" He tried to push me back onto my bed.

"Eren! Stop! I want to stand! Eren!" I pushed him away roughly. He just stared at me with a pouty face on.

"But Levi, you could injure yourself!" He protested.

"Just let me stand Eren, just for a while, then I'll sit back down." I sighed and straightened my back, I heard it crack, and I flinched. Satisfied, I sat back down. Eren sat back down in his chair, and took a hold of my hand. We talked about school, and other things that happened while I was passed out. I was starting to get hungry.

"Eren, can I have something to eat?" He just nodded in response and walked out my room. He came back with a salad and a cinnamon roll. I ate them quickly. A couple of minutes later, we were both fast asleep. It seemed, that was all we knew how to do, sleep.


Well not that bad of a cliffhanger right? Hehe. Anyways, hope you guys liked it.

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