Interference; Part 1

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(Eren's POV )

I was walking down the hallway to my locker, after 1st period, when suddenly Jean bumped into me.

"Hey!" He yelled "watch it Jaeger!" He shoved me out of the way. Luckily for me, Marco was with him.

"Jean! Don't be so mean." Marco turned to me, and extended his hand. "Here, sorry he's a jerk sometimes." I took his hand, and he pulled my up.

"Oh! Eren! There is a party on-" Marco was cut off by Jean's hand over his mouth. I guess Marco bit Jean's hand, because he jumped back, and yelped. "As I was saying," He glared at Jean. "There is a party on Wednesday, you are invited, and you can bring anyone you want to!"

I never really liked parties, but for some reason, this one excited me.

"When? Like, uh, what time?" I asked

"Oh um what time Jean?" He turned to look at Jean.

"Pfft! I'm not telling you! I don't want Jaeger to come and screw up the party!" He frowned at me.

"What the hell Jean?! What did I ever do to you?!" I nearly yelled at him.

"What did you do?! Hmmm, let's see. You called me horse face."

Oh yeah.

"And you crushed my chances with Mikasa-"

"She would have never liked you anyway!" I interrupted. He just shook his head.

"I'm over her, anyways, one day, just out of the blue, you punched me."

Yup. Sounds about right.

"And last but not least, I don't even know if you remember, but you threw up on me in gym one time."

I don't remember that.

"Ah, well, I'll ask someone else when the time is. See ya there!" I waved my hand and walked away.

"Hey, Jeager!" I turned back around "don't forget to bring you boyfriend!" Jean snickered, and walked away. What. The. Actually. Hell? How did he know? Well, it's not like I care. I know he's gay for either Armin, or Marco. I just can't tell. I walked off, and to my locker. When I got there, Levi was already there, waiting for me.

"Hey, brat. What took you so long?" He asked, obviously irritated.

"Uh, I ran into Jean, and..." I just came up with a great joke. "... and he wouldn't stop, horsing around."

Levi, who had been previously leaning against the lockers, fell over, and started cracking up. It was weird to see him do this in public, he usually hid his emotions whenever we were at school. But here he was, dying of laughter from some silly joke I just made.

"God...Damnit... Eren..." He said in between laughs. I smiled, and closed my locker.

"Come on, let's go." I stopped. "Oh, hey there is a party-"

"No." He interrupted.

"Hmmm? What? You don't even know when or where it is!"

"Eren, I don't do parties."

"Well neither do I! But pleeeeeaaassseeee! Just this one time!" I gave him the puppy dog eyes. He sighed.

"Fine. One time. That's it."

"Yay!" I nearly hugged him, right then and there, but I didn't. We walked to 2nd period together. There was Armin, already seated, waiting for the bell to ring. Oh yeah, I'll invite him too, though I hope they don't serve alcohol there. Armin has a bad habit of getting really drunk at parties. Which is quite odd, because he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do that.

"Hey, Armin. Party Wednesday. Don't know what time yet. Coming?"

"Of course!" He piped up. Good. Everyone is coming... oh shit... Mikasa. I hope she's not there. I hope she's not at school today, she'll ask me so many questions. Well I hadn't seen her yet, so that's always a good sign. Oh, wow, I can't wait until Wednesday.


Okay hello! Sorry for the late update, I have fucking STAAR  tests next week, and I'm panicking. I also have a huge History test Friday, so I'm super stressed. Anyways, this chapter, and the next (may become a 3-parter, 'cause why not?), are a combination of two amazing people's ideas. @Kittenbae3
And @Ayuhyuuga

They are awesome! Amazing idea people. Don't really know a better word...
Haven't really gotten to the action yet, but we'll get there! Thanks for all the reads and votes, I'm going to faint one day from all the reads. Not kidding, anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!

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