The Movie

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HellO! Okay, here is the next chapter! Enjoy!

(Eren's POV)

Levi suddenly stopped in front of his door. He was about to unlock the door, but just, stopped.

"Eren. What  are we going to do?" He asked. He turned around and looked at me.

"Uh I don't know, we could watch a movie, or just... talk." I answered. I realized that I was actually quite nervous. 'What if I mess something up? He'll hate me forever!' I was consumed with terror. I didn't notice he was talking again. Levi suddenly snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Hmm what?" I asked. He glared back at me.

"I just asked if you wanted to watch a movie." He turned back around, and unlocked the door.

"Yeah sure!" I walked inside, but I suddenly felt his arm preventing me from moving farther into his house.

"Shoes." He stated, as if it was totally normal. I quickly slipped my shoes off, and set them down, in a corner. I looked around the house. It was perfectly clean. Not a speck of dust was anywhere to be found. Well of course, he is a clean freak after all. I smiled and Levi gave me a quick tour of the house. It was a 2 story house, with alot of rooms. There were 2 bedrooms upstairs, and 3 bedrooms downstairs. When the tour was finally over, we sat down in the living room.

"So, uh, want something to drink?" Levi asked as he turned on the TV. I nodded 'yes' in response. He stood up, and got us some drinks. We decided we'd watch 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', because that was my favourite Harry Potter movie. Half way through, I was feeling sleepy. I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

(Levi's POV)

Half way through the movie we were watching, Eren suddenly fell onto my lap. I let out a small squeak, and looked down at him. He was fast asleep, even though I had the volume turned up quite loud. I tried to reach for the remote to lower the volume, but couldn't reach it without moving Eren. I decided I'd let him sleep in peace, and not disturb him.

~Time Skip to After the Movie~

Eren was still asleep on my lap as the credits ran across the screen. I was carefully running my hand through his hair. I sighed. I laid back, pressing my back against the couch, and slowly fell back into the darkness.


Omg, I know, kill me now. I  got a new book, and I'm obsessed! I'm so sorry! This chapter was short (like Levi. Please don't kill me), crappy, and released late. Please don't hate me, but if you do, I shall (what the heck?) understand. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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