Deathly Healing Process : Part 2

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Ah so here's the 2nd part of the last chapter. Just felt like giving you guys a cliff hanger. SO SORRY 4 THE LATE UPDATE, I promise I'll make it up to you.

(Doctor Blouse's POV)

All of the doctors around started shouting loudly, as if the volume prior to the shouting wasn't loud enough.

"He's having a terrible reaction to whatever is in his system!"  Someone shouted, I couldn't tell who though, for there were multiple doctors in the room. A couple of shouts later, they rushed him off to surgery. Apparently his lungs got inflamed, and therefore blocked his air passage, they had to remove the blockage, through surgery. I was perfectly fine with that. I hoped he died anyways, but then again I might loose my job. We ran into the surgery room, and got to work. About 30 minutes later, they had, sadly, removed the blockage. I sighed and walked out of the room to go get Eren. I walked into the waiting room to see him pacing back an forth, with his head in his hands.

"Eren." I said, jolting him back to reality. He looked up at me, he had definitely been crying, his eyes were bloodshot and there were still tears streaming down his cheeks. He walked over.

"C-Can I visit h-him?" He said with a shaky voice. "Wait i-is he a-alive?" He took a step back looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yes, Eren he-" Eren suddenly was hugging me, crying tears of joy. We stood there, I was gently rocking him back and forth, savoring the moment of friendship shared between us. He let go.

"Please, I want to see him." I nodded in response.

(Eren's POV)

Doctor Blouse and I walked to Levi's new room. She opened the door slowly, taking her time. I was basically pushing her into the room. I ran over to Levi's bed. He was sleeping. I looked over to Doctor Blouse.

"When will he wake up?" She shook her head.

"We are not sure yet, he lost alot of oxgen, he has a 73% chance of waking up, but we are not even sure he will." She sat down into the chair across the room, and started working on some papers. 'There is a possibility,  I have to be prepared for the worst. I don't want him to leave me.' I ran my hand through his hair gently.

"Levi, please wake up soon, for me, our promise Levi, our promise." I stood up and walked over to Doctor Blouse. "If he wakes up, call me. I have school tomorrow, so I have to get some rest. Goodbye." I walked out of the room, and called Mikasa. "Hey! Mikasa! I'm headed home now, I'll tell you the story when I get there."

"Ok, be quick." She hung up. I walked out to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. 'How long will I have to wait for him to recover, if he does?' After about 15 minutes of riding the bus, I had arrived at my house. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the doors.

"Mikasa I'm home!" I heard her open her door and run down the stairs. She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the living room. She basically threw me on the couch.

"Tell. Me. Everything." She demanded. I laughed a little bit only to realize she wasn't joking.

"Alright, fine." I told her eveything, except the whole 'I love him' part. When I finished, it was nearly dark.

"So what I got out of that story is the fact that you are in fact gay?" She asked. I wasn't expecting that. The way I told the story, it wasn't that obvious.

"Well," I shifted a little in my seat, "Yeah, I guess." She just nodded in response. She stood up and walked upstairs. I turned on the TV, and started to watch the news. 'He better not die, I swear to God.' At 2 A.M. I turned the TV off and headed to my room to get some much needed sleep.


Once again I am SO SORRY for the late update,  I promise I'll make it up, anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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