Deathly Healing Process: Part 1

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Hello my lovlies! I didn't have any idea what to write after this, but thanks to Kittenbae3, I figured it out. She gave me a really good suggestion. Thank you so much Kittenbae3!

(Levi's POV)

I woke up and it was bright outside. My ankle was throbing, but not as bad as before. My arm was hurting the worst. I looked down at my arm, and it looked perfectly normal. I felt a sudden rush of pain, the air was being slowly sucked out of me. I squeaked, trying to breathe, this woke Eren up. He looked up at me.

"Levi, what's wrong?" I just squeaked more. I couldn't speak, I needed to breathe. "Levi? Does your ankle still hurt?" I couldn't respond. I tried to breathe in, but only ended up choking. I was going to pass out for lack of air. I quickly grabbed the paper next to my bed and started writing on it.

'Can't breathe' I passed out right after finishing the 'e'.

(Eren's POV)

Levi scribbled something on the paper, and suddenly passed out. I noticed he wasn't breathing. I looked at the piece of paper. I gasped and ran out of his room. I basically broke down Doctor Blouse's door.

"Come in!" I hear her say calmly. I rush in and start freaking out.

"Levi, he just, passed out, he wrote that he can't breathe, he isn't breathing now, help, don't let him die, he p-promised!" I started breaking down. I can't loose him, not now. She got up and rushed to his room with me. We ran in and she put her hand over his mouth.

"He's not breathing. Why though?!" She screamed. "He, what, why?!" She was obviously frustrated. "Eren go wait in the waiting room! This is Doctor Blouse in room 221B, we need medics in here immediately!" She was running around, messing with stuff I didn't recognize. I slowly walked out of the room and made my way to the waiting room.

(Doctor Blouse's POV)

I quickly hooked Levi up to Oxygen. I had to at least try to seem like I cared for his life. I started laughing while I could. I couldn't believe it worked! I had just guessed when putting that needle in. I was lucky enough to guess correctly. If I didn't seem like I cared, I would be charged with murder. I stopped laughing as soon as the other doctors came in. 'As soon as Levi is gone, Eren is all mine' I smiled evily. The other doctors were checking his blood pressure.

"He has had an allergic reaction to something!" One doctor shouted.

"But what? Doctor Blouse, what did you do?" I shifted from my spot.

"I only gave him some painkillers." I said as innocently as possible. The doctors rushed him out.

"We need to get what ever is in his system out!" They were all talking over each other. I could never understand how they all understood. I had only become a helper for the people in the hospital a couple of years ago. I wasn't ever that old. I was only 19. I had just graduated from high school last year. I walked along with the doctors, they took him to the x-ray room. The did a quick x-ray, and found what I had put in his system.


Ha. Cliff hanger, will Levi live or die? Will Doctor Blouse finally get what she wants? You shall seeeee! Thanks so much for all the reads! Love you guys!

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