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Okay, so I usually have no idea what to say at the beginning of the chapters, so I always just say enjoy or something stupid like that. So I think I'm just going to do the end A/N, no more beginnings. Alright. Here you gooooo!

(Eren's POV)

I suddenly woke up, and looked around. The place around me was unfamiliar. I started to panic, when I realized where I was. I looked up, from my sleeping place, to see Levi fast asleep with his head tilted to the side. I smiled and nuzzled my head into his stomach. He jolted awake.

"What the... oh, Eren, it's you." He closed his eyes, and laid back on the couch.

"Yeah. It's me." I said as I sat up. "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Hmm, it's 11:27." Levi said back. He grabbed the blanket next to him, and curled up with it. I took the edge and pulled it over me too. We stayed like that for about 6 minutes or so. I'm not good with time.

"Eren, are you hungry?" Levi asked, standing up. I just groaned in response. I didn't want to get up.

"Yeah." I said. He walked into the kitchen and pulled out some stuff, that I really didn't care about.

"You're not allergic to anything are you?" He looked over at me. I shook my head.

"Nope. Nothing." I sat up, and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see Levi making eggs, bacon, and french toast. He was wearing this really cute apron. It was a plain black colour, but it had pockets, and small frills at the edges. I laughed, but quickly covered my mouth.

"What's so funny brat?" He asked. He poured some milk into the pan of eggs, and started mixing it.

"Nothing," I said, "You just look adorable in that apron." I smiled. I looked over at Levi to see him trying to glare at me, but failing. He was half glaring half laughing. It was hilarious to see him in this state. That just made me laugh harder. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. I rested my head on his shoulder. He continued cooking the eggs. About 2 minutes later, the eggs were ready. He took a spoonful and fed me some.

"Mmm, those are amazing!" I said. I let go, and walked to my seat.

"Well, thanks." He answered. He scooped up half of the eggs and put them on a plate, and took the other half and placed it on another plate. He sat one of those plates in front of me. He then walked back to the stove, and grabbed some bacon. He set down 2 pieces of bacon on my plate, and 2 pieces on his. He was about to sit down when the toaster dinged, signalling that our french toast was ready. He sighed and got the toast. He handed me a piece, and took one for himself. We sat there, silently eating.

(Levi's POV)

Eren wasn't talking at all. He was happily eating his breakfast. I was eating slower than he was, but still enjoying the food. When we were done, I washed off the dishes and set them in the dishwasher. I walked over to Eren, who was finishing off his milk, and took his hand.

"L-Levi, w-what-"

"Shut up." I interrupted. I drug him into the living room, and let go.

"Levi w-"

"I said. Shut. Up." I growled. I walked over and picked him up, bridal style. He flailed in my arms, but I still managed to carry him up to my room. I dropped him on my bed.


WOOHOO! It's a terrible ending, I know, but I wanted a cliffhanger! And that new book! I didn't put it down all day! Ahhhhhhhh! Anyways I'm sorry for updating so late at night, I know I keep on apologizing. But I have toooooooooo! Ok well I hoped you enjoyed.... what will happen next???

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