Interference; Part 3

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(Eren's POV )

It's finally Wednesday! That means the party today! I spent my whole day, daydreaming about how awesome it was going to be. It was my last period, gym, and I was waiting for the bell to ring, when suddenly, out of nowhere, Jean hit me. I fell backwards, knocking over Armin as I fell.

"What the hell Jean?" I said as I helped Armin up.

"Oh, sorry, I hit you instinctively. Whenever I see someone stupid, my arm just punches them." He said.

"Whatever, Jean, I'm in no mood for your shit today." I brushed off my pants.

"Oh, are you looking forward to the party, and don't want me to ruin your dreams?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Are you going to finally fuck your boyfriend?" He laughed, then fell over with a loud thud.

"None of your buisness, asshole." Levi was standing next to Jean, with his foot on Jean's head. Jean groaned, and tried to move away from Levi's foot. The bell rang, and Levi pulled his foot away.

"Let's go, Eren." Levi grabbed my hand, and drug me put of the locker room. We arrived at his car, and he finally let go. I think he broke my hand...

"Eren, are you staying with me until the party starts, or going home?" He unlocked the car, and stepped in.

"I'll stay with you, you still have my clothes, right?" I asked as I buckled my seat belt.

"Yeah, what time does it start again?"

"Uh, starts at 7:00."

"Great, it's 4:00 right now." Levi took off towards his house. When we arrived, we got out, and shuffled into his house. I sat down on the couch, and Levi went into the kitchen to prepare us some food.

"Hey, Eren, what do you want to eat?" He literally yelled from across the house.

"I'll take some hot dogs?" I said in more of a question, rather than an answer to his question.

"Ok!" About 7 minutes later, Levi emerged from the kitchen with 2 hot dogs on a plate. "Here you go." He handed me yhe plate, and I started eating. These were the best jot dogs I've ever had! They had so much flavor!

"Levi, this is delicious!" I said in between bites. He nodded, and walked back into the kitchen to get food for himself. He came back out, and I was done with my hot dogs. He had a turkey sandwich on his plate. He ate without saying a word. He finished, and put his plate up, and we watched TV until 6:00. Somewhere in between 4:00 and 6:00, I fell asleep.

"Eren." I felt a hand shaking me roughly. "Eren, wake up!" I jolted awake, and saw Levi there with his hand on my shoudler.

"What tim-"

"It's 6:00, brat. Time to get ready." He interrupted. I nodded, and slowly walked to his room. I changed into a simple black T-shirt, along with dark blue jeans. Levi changed into the My Chemical Romance T-shirt from the first day of school, along with black jeans. We left his house, and headed to the party. We arrived, and couldn't find very good parking. The place was already packed. I had guessed the party was at someone's house, but it wasn't. It was held at a bar, a section of the bar reserved for the party people. We checked in, and headed towards the back of the bar. Lots of people were already there, almost filling the space.

"Levi, drinks?" I asked, walking towards the bar.

"I'll get them, you want your usual?" Levi asked.

"Yup!" I said happily. Levi and I have actually been out drinking before, it didn't end up well, I drank too much, and he had literally carry me out of the bar, before I got myself killed. I grabbed a seat in the corner, and sat down. Suddenly I felt someone tackle me from behind.

"EEERRREEENNN!!!!!" It was Armin, he had his arms around my chest, and was squeezing me way too hard.

"Armin, hey buddy, are you drunk?" I tried to say casually.

"Oh, Eren, quick to conCLUsions are we???" Armin tightened his grip around me.

"Armin, let go, I can't breathe." I tried to push him off, but he just clung on tighter. Armin finally let go, and sat down a couple seats down. I felt someone else tap my shoulder, I turn to see Jean. His breathe reeked of alcohol.

"Oh, shit, Jean, you stink!" I plugged my nose in exaggeration.

"Do I really?" He got close to my ear. "Do I really smell that bad?" He asked in an innocent tone.

"Jean, you're totally wasted, go away." I tried to push him away, but his just got closer. "Jean, what the hell are you planning?"

"Planning? Am I planing something?" He whispered. "Eren, you look amazing."

"Uh, thanks?" I said, thrown off guard by Jean's sudden niceness. I tried to take a step back, but Jean placed his hands on my hips.

"What the hell Jean? Let-" I was interrupted by Armin literally running into Jean. He full out tackled Jean. Armin was screaming a large span of words I couldn't keep up with.

"Whoa! Armin slow dow-"

"JEAN!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" Armin screamed before Jean could finish his sentence.

"Really?" Jean asked in a semi-calm tone. "Convenient. I do too." Jean stood up, and pulled Armin up.

"Wait WHAT?!!"


HELLO!!!! okay, I'm a terrible person, I know, but at least I made a sort of long chapter! Next chapter will be Armin's POV, so you'll get a little insight te the newly blooming love! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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