Long Days

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Hey. I really don't have any idea what to wite after this chapter, if you guys have any suggestions, that would help alot! Thank you guys for all the reads!

(Levi's POV)

We hugged for a few minutes. Eren kept on crying.

"Please n-never l-leave me." He hugged me tighter. I smiled and hugged him back. 'No one has made me smile, since that day. How is it that I fell so hard for this boy?' I pulled away from him.

"Eren, I promise, no I swear, that I will never ever leave you. But, I will only swear that if you swear it back." I grabbed his shoulders and looked at his beautiful eyes. He nodded.

"Of course!" He smiled a big smile back, and sat down on the chair next to my hospital bed. "You should probably go back to sleep now, rest always heals." I laid back down and started to drift off, when I heard Eren. "Levi, I love you." My heart was filled with joy.

"I love you too, Eren." Then I drifted off into the darkness.

(Eren's POV)

I woke up to the sound of Levi groaning. I looked up to see him holding his ankle, a look of pain plastered across his face. I sat up slightly.

"Levi, uh," I tried to blink away the sleep, "What's wrong?" I asked. He just kept on holding his ankle. "Levi, do you need Doctor Blouse?" I rubbed my eyes. When I looked closer at his face, he was crying.

"Y-Yes please." He said quickly trying not to use up his energy. I reached out and carefully touched his ankle. He screamed in pain. I yelped in response. 'He probably has a broken ankle' I got up.

"Sorry Levi, I'll go get her." When I looked over at the clock next to my bed, it said 4:56 A.M. I just groaned in response and stumbled out of his room. I found her office and knocked.

"Come in!" I heard her through the door. I opened the door and walked in. "Oh Eren! What brings you in here?" She spun around in her chair to look at me.

"Levi's ankle hurts, I think it might be broken." My brain couldn't form a better sentence.

"Oh! I'll be there in a minute, I have to finish these papers." She motioned at a small stack of papers on her desk.


(Levi's POV)

Everything was hurting. I have a splitting headache and my ankle hurts like hell. I screamed out in pain again. 'God damnit Eren, hurry up!!' The pain from my ankle was threatening to black me out. I really couldn't see anything, for my vision had black spots everywhere, even though I could feel the light. Suddenly the door opens.

"Eren? Doctor Blouse better be with you." I growled. He walked over to my bed.

"She said she'd be here in a few minutes." I groaned. I can't take this pain anymore.

"Eren I need her to get rid of this pain. Now." I heard him sigh.

"Like I said Levi, you can wait." I wasn't sure I could. I decided sleep would help. I felt myself falling into sleep.

(Eren's POV)

All of the sudden Levi fell over in his bed. I ran over, and looked at him. 'Oh good, he only fell asleep.' I laid my head on the side of his bed. I slowly fell into a deep sleep. A couple of minutes later, I heard the door open. It was Doctor Blouse.

"Hello Eren, sleep well?" She asked. She walked over to a shelf.

"No, not really." I said simply. "It's hard to sleep, knowing that he's suffering." She just smiled back and pulled out a needle. She put something in it, and walked over. She stuck it in Levi's arm. He stirred a little bit, but didn't wake up. 'I hope he's going to be okay.'


Whoa finally done. Seems like a long chapter, well anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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