Please Remeber

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Hello! Hehe, Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it!

(Levi's POV)

Eren walked back into my hospital room with a determined face. He walked to the chair next to me.

"Levi, you do know you have minor amnesia, don't you?" He smiled sweetly at me.

"Yeah I know." I said while nodding my head. Eren shifted in his seat.

"Then what's the last thing you remember?" His sea-green eyes were puffy from crying.

"The last thing I remember is 2nd period." I looked at him. "What don't I remember?" Eren choked and laid his head back on my chest. That made my heart pound, fast. 'Why am I feeling this way? I don't... like him do I?' I shifted. "Eren what are you doing?" I asked as calmly as I could. Eren abruptly sat up.

"S-Sorry L-Levi. Um well, I'll fill you in. You missed me walking you to your 3rd period, and then me sitting with you at lunch. I don't know what you did in your other classes. But then I came to my locker and found a note written by you that said to meet you outside of school, when we were dismissed for the day. So I met you where you said and..." He trailed off.

"And what, Eren tell me." His gaze moved away from me, and to the wall.

"It-Its nothing, n-never mind." His face was turning a pink colour.

"Don't lie to me Eren, what were you going to say?" I sat up slightly. He shifted in his seat.

"I-I don't really want to Levi." He paused for a second 'He's really pissing me off right now. He better tell me.' He suddenly spoke up, "It would be easier to show you." Eren leaned closer to me, closing the gap in between our faces. His soft lips were pressing against mine. I felt my face heat up and my eyes widen. After a few seconds, I closed my eyes and started kissing him back. He pulled away and continued his story, "You asked me to meet you outside of the school when we were dismissed, so I could pay for sitting with you at lunch. When I got there we talked about stuff, and then you said it was time to pay, you grabbed my collar, and... well you can guess what happened." I just sat there. That was a familiar feeling, that rush of excitement. I gasped and closed my eyes, everything came rushing back to me. I remembered everything. I opened my eyes and looked at Eren. He was staring at me expectantly. I nodded and he jumped up, embracing me in a tight hug. I smiled a little bit and happily returned the hug. The only thing that was bugging me was, 'How could I forget?'

(Eren's POV)

'Levi remembers oh my god. I'm so happy!' We hugged for a long time, I started crying into his chest, he stroked my hair back.

"Eren, what's wrong?" Levi's  voice was full of concern. I just cried more.

"I-I t-thought I had lost you, w-when I got the call I freaked out. Please pay more attention next time." I tried to say between sobs.

"It's okay Eren, I'm going to be okay"

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