Someone New?

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Hello my lovlies! Here is the next chapter!

(Levi's POV)

That brat was almost late to class. I was worried. He always seemed so scared when around me. No. Nervous. Nervous is the word I was looking for. I walked up to his desk.

"Oi, why were you almost late?" I asked. I needed to know why he looked like he was planning something.

"Uh my sister had to talk to me." He shook his head. "Oh uh, wanna hang out today?"

"Sure." I said. I got up and walked to my desk. I sat down, and stared at Eren. 'I wonder why he suddenly asked me to hang out...' I just turned back around, trying to get Eren off my mind, and 'focused' on the lesson. History seemed to fly by at an amazing speed. The next thing I knew, the bell was dismissing us. I stood up and put all my stuff into my bag, I was headed off to Math. I sat down near my locker. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, and saw Eren.

"Hey Levi!" He said with a big smile on his face. I stared for a while before answering.

"Hey." I knew it was plain, and simple to just answer with 'hey', but I couldn't think of anything else. I closed my locker and stood up. I backed away when I realized how close Eren was to me.


"Eren, don't you dare." He had been leaning towards me. I pushed him away, and briskly walked off to Math. I walked in and sat down. I knew a couple of people in this room, but didn't really care about them. Math went by insanely slow. I was super excited for Lunch. The bell rang, and I took off. I got to my locker to see Eren standing there. With another guy. He was tall, and had brown hair. The boy also had a lot of freckles. I casually bent down to do the combination for the lock on my locker.

"Levi! Hey! I want you to meet Marco. Marco this is Levi. Levi this is Marco!" He smiled at both of us. Marco stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you!" Marco smiled at me. I just glared back.

"Yeah, whatever." I took his hand, and shook it. Eren whined.

"Leeeevvviiii! Be nice!" He pouted. I intensified my glare.

"Eren we have to go to Lunch." I started to walk past Eren, he grabbed my arm.

"But Marco has the same lunch! He can sit with us right?!" He smiled.

"Yeah, whatever, but that's going to cost you more." I smirked and winked at Eren, before turning around, and heading to the Cafeteria.

(Eren's POV)

I stood there, completely flustered. I didn't know what to say back, but luckily for me, Levi left before I could even speak. I turned back around to face Marco.

"Sorry, Levi doesn't like 'new' people. Well... he doesn't really like people at all." I smiled.

"Oh, it's fine! I totally get that! I have a friend just like him." Marco's face softened as he got lost in his thoughts.

"Marco." I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Wake up." Marco broke from his daze, and we walked to Lunch. We walked into the Cafeteria, and he sat down. I grabbed a quick lunch and sat down next to Levi and Armin. We didn't really talk. I was getting super excited about after school.  I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. 'I can't wait'


Omg you all probably hate me. That's fine though,  I deserve it. Seriously, I need to stop updating so late! Sorry! Well school is cancled for tomorrow, so I'll be able to focus on this.

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