Back At School Part 1

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Here's the next chapter.

(Eren's POV)

We sat on the bus. I talked about what he had missed in History,  because that was the only class we had together. The bus pulled up to the school. He started to poke me again.

"Ereeenn, hurry up! I don't want to be late to 1st period!" He poked me again.

"Levi I swear I wil-"

"You'll what?" Levi interrupted. He raised his eyebrow at my. "Do what Eren?"

I leaned down and whispered into his ears. "I'm going to kiss you." I smirked. I knew two things Levi didn't want to ruin, 1. His ego and 2. Our relationship.

"You damn brat, you wouldn't do that." He growled. I smirked back.

"Really? Wanna test it?" I leaned closer. He just stared at me.

"Eren, off bus. Now." He pushed passed me, and walked off the bus. I smiled. I had finally found Levi's weakness. I quickly caught up to him. We silently walked to our lockers. I bent down and started to do my combination when I realized Levi wasn't doing his.

"Levi?" I asked in a concerned tone. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh uh I'm fine." He scratched the back of his head. I saw a small blush form on his cheeks.

"Are you sure? You seemed to have changed." I closed my locker, and stood up. He just kept on staring at me.

"Eren, you wouldn't really, would you?" He asked.

"Wait what? Do what?" I turned my head slightly to the right, trying to think of what I wouldn't, or would, do.

"Kiss me. Here. At school."

"Of course I would, but only for a punishment." I smirked at him. He just growled and sat down next to his locker. "Well, Levi, I've gotta go, I'll see you later!" I walked away, and off to my 1st period class.

(Levi's POV)

I watched as Eren walked away from my locker. I was completely flustered. I knew if he were to just kiss me on the cheek, I wouldn't be able to hold back, and I'd freaking make-out with him or something stupid like that. I shut my locker and walked into my 1st period class just as the bell rang. I walked up to my teacher. I handed her all my late papers.

"Well then, welcome back Rivaille. Where have you been?" The teacher asked. She was really annoying. My 1st period was Science, and the teachers name was Mrs. Hanji. I flinched when she said my full name.

"Like I've said before, it's Levi. I almost died in a cat wreck, thanks." I started to walk to my desk, only to feel her grab my arm.

"Almost died?! What happened. Tell me. Everything." She sat down in the desk next to me.

"No way in hell I'm telling you." I sat down at my desk.

"Awwww. Rivaille, that is no way to talk to your teacher! You should know better!" She lightly punched my shoulder. I knew today was going to be a long day.


I hope you guys liked that chapter. It felt short. I'm sorry. I've been super pressed on time lately. At least I am still am updating every day.

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