Interference; Part 2

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(Levi's POV)

As I was walking down the hallway, on my way to 2nd period, i was thinking abput the party. I can't believe Eren somehow managed to talk me into going to some damn party on Wednesday. I really hate parties, but I am easily persuaded by him. I am not looking forward to Wednesday. Right now I'm bored, sitting at lunch. Mikasa has been glaring at me the whole time, and is talking to Eren.

"No, Mikasa! I'm old enough to make my own decisions damnit!" Eren glared at Mikasa.

"I don't care, Eren! You can't just stay at other people's houses without permission!" She shot another glare at me.

"Eren can do whatever he wants." I butted in, glaring at Mikasa.

"No! He's too young! He'll make a dumb decision, and you'll break his heart!" She was full out yelling

"I won't. Mikasa, you don't know me. I wouldn't leave Eren, even if he killed millions of people. I wouldn't care, I'd help him escape the authorities, and still love him. Now fuck off, Mikasa!" I stood up, and walked away. I was done dealing with her. I threw away my trash, and walked out of the lunchroom. I heard footsteps following behind me.

"What the hell do y-" I stopped myself from finishing the sentence. Eren was standing behind me, with one headphone in, just staring at me.

"Oh, Levi, are you okay? Mikasa can be a bitch sometimes, but you just have to get over it." He paused his music, and put his headphones away.

"Yeah, I know, you've told me the whole 'over protective' story." I sighed, turned back around, and walked away.

"H-Hey, wait! Where are you going?" Eren caught up, and was walking beside me.

"The roof. Where else?" I turned a sharp corner.

"But, aren't we not allowed to go up there?"


"Then wh-"

"'Cause I know a way we can't get caught. Trust me Eren, I've been here linger than you have, I knkw my way around." I stepped up to a way, and pulled at the 'hidden' handle, and pulled the door open. There was a small staircase inside, that lead to the roof. Everyone assumes this is a janitors closet, but it's not. I climed the staircase, and we were soon outside.

"It's so... pretty." Eren said as he took my hand.

"Yeah, it helps calm me down."

"You don't want to go, do you?" He suddenly blurted out.

"Go? Go to what?"

"The party. If you don't want to go, you do-"

"I'm going. But only because I don't want other people hitting on you." I poked his cheek. "You're too damn hot to resist." He laughed, and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Alright, as long as I'm not forcing you." We stayed up on the roof until we heard the bell ring from inside the building. We got up, and headed to our classrooms.


Holly mother of freaking anything at all!!!!! I'm sooo sorry!!!! I had a HUGE test on Tuesday, and was super busy!!!!! I'm so mean!!!!!!! There will be a 3rd part to this, and it'll be mostly the party. Awesome. Ok. Bye now.

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