The End of Our Stories.

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(Levi's POV)

Eren looked at me like I had just been shot in the head, "I just... we just..."

I sighed, cutting off his failed attempt at trying to talk. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to our room.

"Levi! I said..."

"We're just going to sleep damn brat." We walked in our room and I let go of Eren's hand. I opened my chest of drawers to pull out a shirt that was way to large for me. I put the shirt on. I glanced over at Eren to see him getting into his pajamas too. I smiled and quickly brushed my teeth. I pulled back the covers and pulled them over my legs. I placed my head on my pillow, and felt Eren slowly wrap his arms around me. I flipped over to face him.

"Levi...I've been one day...we can...get...married?"

I jerked my head up to look at his face. Is he serious? Holy shit he's serious. Holy shit.

"Yeah" I barely managed to squeak. He smiled and hugged me tightly.

I realized the importance of his 'proposal' as I should say, at exactly 4:41 A.M. I haven't slept at all. My stomach has been pissing me off all night long. I even had to remove myself from Eren's warm hug, to go to the bathroom. I didn't throw up though. Finally after pacing, reading, a cold glass of milk, water and orange juice, I was feeling tired. I returned to our bedroom to fall asleep in Eren's arms.

Maybe one day, Eren and I can have a kid... wishful thinking huh? Maybe if I... wish upon a star?

15 Years Later (Levi's POV)

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! It's Easter! Wake! Up!" Jessica screamed loudly in my ear.

"Hey, hey don't yell in Eren's ear OK Jessi?"

"Sorry... but it's EASTER!!!!" I watched as Jessica ran around the room like and airplane.

"Yay Easter..." Eren mumbled, his face still planted in his pillow.

"Wake up Eren, we've got an Easter Bunny to meet!" I laughed as Jessica screamed and started chanting 'Easter Bunny!'

We got Jessi from this really sweet lady who was giving her baby uo foe adoption and she happened to pick us! Eren and I were so excited the day we got to pick her up. Jessi was 1 year old when we got her. Now she is turning 5! We are so happy to have such an amazing kid like her. Though we do have to be a little more careful about when it comes to kissing. She doesn't like kissing so she always yells 'EW!' Whenever we do kiss in front of her. The years have flown by alot faster than you can even begin to comprehend. One second you are just learning to walk, the next second you are taking your final breath of life. Life will be hard alot of times for everyone, but you will eventually come back up, and you'll be happy... well only...


If You Wish Upon a Star


UM WELL HOLY SHIT IT'S OVER. WELL FUCK. ok well wow. I just finished a book wow. ANYWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! The constant 'Please update' comment finally got me to FINISH MY FUCKING BOOK. Anyway thank you guys (and girls) Soooo much!!!! You have absolutely no idea how much this means to me. Also I am awfully sorry that this chapter took for fucking ever! I had life issues and shit like that, now it's all out of the way, so it's all good! Wooooo! Well I hope all of you enjoyed If You Wish Upon a Star


If you wish upon a star. Eren x LeviWhere stories live. Discover now