Finally Going To...

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Smut ahead, read at your own risk.

(Levi's POV)

Damnit! Fucking Eren! Don't tease me like that! I pushed him off, and laid him next to me. Maybe next time. I lightly kissed him on his forehead, I smiled and put my head on his stomach. I closed my eyes and fell alseep.

I woke up with a start to realize my bed was freezing. Eren wasn't in the bed with me. I got up, ran a hand through my hair, and walked out of my room. Eren was sitting on the couch watch TV, slowly chewing on a piece of toast. He didn't hear me, so I crept up behind him and quickly put my hands on his shoulders.

"Boo!" I yelled. He screamed like a girl, and jumped off of the couch. I started laughing so much, my stomach hurt.

"Damnit! Levi! You scared the shit out of me! How long have you been awake?!" He shouted, stifling a laugh.

"Not... long." I said in between laughs. I laughed one last time and jumped over the couch. I patted the spot next to me. Eren sat, and we watched TV for about 2 hours. About half way through the movie, Eren fell asleep. He was loudly snoring while the credits rolled across the screen.

"Eren, wake up." I said softly while moving his head off my lap. "Eren, I'm going to make some food okay?" I sighed, went in to the kitchen, and started cooking dinner. After about 20 minutes of cooking I hear a yell from the living room.

"Levi?" Eren stumbled into the kitchen.

"Well, looks like someone's awake." I smirked, and placed the eggs on 2 separate plates. "Hungry?" I asked

"Yeah sure." He sat down, and I handed him his plate. He devoured his food in a matter of minutes. "That was amazing!" I smiled and pat him on the shoulder.

"I bet you're not tired anymore are you?" He shook his head saying 'no' and smiled.

"But... I have a better idea." I smirked and took his hand. I drug him all the way to my room, and set him down on my bed. "See?" I said as I crawled on him, "isn't this more fun?" I grabbed his collar and kissed him. Suddenly, his hands were on my chest, I glared at him.

"What are you doing? I thought we established your position in this kind of situation." I smriked, and flipped him over. I lifted his shirt and started to rub circles on his stomach.

"Levi! Ah! Stop! That tickles!" He started squirming and laughing. I smirked and looked down at him.

"Eren..." I stopped rubbing circles on his stomach. "Eren, you pervert, I can't belive you got hard from me tickling you." He yelped and sat up straight.

"Ah?! No, this-" I swiftly cut him off with a kiss. He lightly pushed me off. "Levi... I... don't think I'm ready..." He breathed.

"Your body says otherwise." I ran my fingers down his stomach, stopping at the hem of his shorts. He squeaked loudly, as I pushed him back down onto the bed.

"Lev-" I cut him off again by slipping my shirt off and pressing my lips against his. My fingers quickly unbuttoned his shorts. He didn't protest as I slid them off.

"Eren." I plainly said, "this," I put my pointer finger on his growing erection, "needs to be taken care of." I smirked and looked at him. He was completely red from ear to ear.

"O-Okay." He shakily said. I pulled off his boxers. He squeaked a little bit, but didn't say anything. I carfully took hold of his length, as I liked the tip. He gasped, and squirmed under me. I slipped it into my mouth, earning a louder gasp from Eren. I started running my tongue up and down his length. He shoke under me. I repeated that until I felt his hand grip my head.

"Levi! I'm... going to-" He abruptly stopped his sentence. I felt every muscle in his body tense as he came in my mouth. I licked the execs cum off his length and around my mouth. He looked at me with eyes I hadn't seen before. They were full of pleasure and embarrassment. I smirked. Suddenly, he flipped me back onto the bed.

"What the hell are you doing Eren?" I said in a warning tone.

"You got hard." He stated. "Let me help..." Eren smirked and tugged at my pants.

"Er-" He pulled my pants and boxes off at the same time. His hand swiftly went to work. "Eren..." I breathed as he quickened the pace of his sucking. In a matter of minutes, I came too. He sat next to me, and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Eren, is that really all you got?" I chuckled. Tonight is going to be one hell of a night.


Um well, that, I'm sorry that scene was pretty bad, I can't write smut. Uh anyways sorry for the late update, I just sort of ran out of ideas.


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