Don't Drink

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(Armin's POV)

My mind is fuzzy, and I feel like throwing up, but I swear I just heard Jean say he liked me too. It was probably those 5 glasses of beer I had... just my imagination.

"Armin?!" I heard someone yell at me,sounded like Eren. I felt my head hit the floor, and everything went black.

I felt someone shaking me.

"Armin! Wake up! Arm-" I sat up, and hit who ever was sitting next to me. "Armin! Damn it!"

"Uuggghh. What. Happened?" I asked. I heard someone else sit next to me. I couldn't tell who, because my vision was still fuzzy. That person took my hand.

"Armin?" It was Jean. He squeezed my hand harder. "Armin? Are you okay?"

"Mmmmm" is all I could say. My whole world was spinning, and I was strugling to stay awake.

"Armin, you had way to much to drink, get some rest." I fell backwards, and fell back asleep.

(Jean's POV)

Armin isn't doing too well. I had some beer, but not too much. I felt alot better now, but I was acting strange earlier. Armin had told me he loved me, and that had snapped me out of my daze. Now Armin is sleeping, and when he woke uo, he wasn't really awake I would say. I'm worried for him.

"Jean, should we call an ambulance?" Eren asked. He was sitting on the other side of Armin, staring at him.

"No, he's just completely wasted, give him a couple of hours, he'll be fine." I let go of Armin's hand, and stood up. "I'm leaving, I'll take care of Armin." I picked him up, and carefully slung him over my shoulder. He was really light.

"That's fine, I have to deal with Levi..." Eren trailed off, and stood up to. "Bye Jean..." He walked away.

"Later." I walked out of the bar, and set Armin down in the back seat. I quickly drive home, and brought Armin into my house. I set him on the couch, and started to watch TV.

~Time Skip to 4 Hours Later~

"Mmm" I heard a hum from beside me. Armin sat up, and stared at me.

"Finally awake?" I asked, handing him a glass of water. He carefully took it, and took a shaky sip.

"Yeah, sort of, I still..." He trailed off, and looked around. "Bathroom?" He turned pale.

"Yeah," I grabbed his hand. "This way." I drug him to the bathroom. He made it to the trashcan just in time. He threw up inside it. I put my arm around his shoulder and tried to calm him down. He stopped throwing up, and sat up.

"Water?" I handed him a glass of tap water. He quickly took a big sip, and spit it out into the sink. "Gross." He wiped his mouth and looked at me. "Thanks Jean."

"Anytime." I smiled at him. He looked away, and started blushing.

"Uhhh, about what I s-" I cut him off my quickly grabbing his collar, and kissed him. He squeaked, but kissed back. I pulled away, and looked him in the eyes. His eyes are such a beautiful blue. I smiled, and ruffled his hair.

"Let's get you home. Your parents are probably worried." I smiled, took his hand, and took him home.


Ok, kill me, I don't care. Omg please I am so freaking sorry. Omg. So yeah, stress is all I can say. Anyways I hope you liked the new POV. Thanks for all the reads! Love you!

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