I Want More...

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(Eren's POV)

I'm kind of worried about Armin, but right now, I have to deal with Levi... he has to be here somewhere! I came back to the chair where I had been, before Armin and Jean came barging in. Levi was sitting there with 2 drinks, with a bored look on his face.

"Levi! Hey, sorry, Armin had a little fall, he's alright though! Thanks for getting the drinks!" I walked over, and sat down next to him.

"Well that's good. And you're welcome for the drinks." He smirked and handed me my drink. I took it, and gulped it down in a matter of seconds.

"How many have you had?" I asked, my words slurring a bit. This seems stronger than usual.

"Ah, I lost count. Maybe 3 or so." His smirk grew larger. He grabbed his drink and took a sip.

"Levi, who's gonna take me home if your too drunk to drive?" I asked.

"Ah, I don't know, hail a damn cab or something." He swung his arm around me.

"Would you like another drink?" I heard someone's voice sound from behind the counter.

"I want another please." I said pushing my glass to the edge of the counter. The waiter took my glass, filled it up, and handed it back. "Thanks." I flashed a small smile at the waiter before returning my attention to Levi. He was still gulping down his 4th drink.

"Eren, I won't get drunk enough to not be able to drive us home. I'm one hell of a strong drinker." He proved his point by taking another large sip of his drink and not letting his words slur. After about an hour of drinking, pushing away random drunk strangers, and having awkward conversations, we decided to go home. Levi had 5 drinks in all, they weren't even very strong I tried one, and I had 4 insanely strong drinks. My whole world was spinning and it sounded like I was hearing everyone's voice through a tunnel. I stumbled to the car, and tried to open the door. I finally got it open, and threw myself in, hitting my head on the side of the door.

"Ah! Fuck!" I rubbed my head, and buckled. Levi had been sitting in the car, ready to go, his words slurring just slightly.
"Stop being so damn clumsy, I want to leave." He lightly hit me on the shoulder, started the car, and took us to his house. I don't remember most of the ride, but when we arrived, I stumbled into his house, and somehow got to the bathroom. I threw up into the toilet. I felt terrible, guess this is why you don't drink. Levi came in, I think, and rubbed my back affectionately. When I finished he made us take a shower. We both took one because he didn't trust me alone in the shower. When we were done, we sat in his room, completely silent, and got dressed. I felt my mood change, from carefree, to wanting. I want him. As soon as he sat down on the bed, I climbed on top of him.

"What the hell are you doing, brat?" He pushed me off. "If we are going to do this, you sure as hell won't top." He smirked and kissed my lightly on the lips. I felt my eyelids droop, the darkness in the corners of my eyes grow. I laid my head back, and passed out. The last thing I thought about was, I want more...


Hello my babies! So sorry for not updating in over a fucking week, anyway, been super stressed, and shit like that. But I'll try to update more often. Thanks soooooooo much for all the reads. I love all of you!

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