~Lunch Time~

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Hello my lovlies! I have a lot of extra time! That's awesome that I have extra time now that I'm going into writing.

(Eren's POV )

All through 3rd period I was trying to figure out what Levi was planning. I couldn't think of anything at all. I really didn't think of any subject as fun. I was currently in Art. I wasn't listening when the teacher called my name.

"Eren Jaeger please show us your project" She stared right into me. I was too lost in my thoughts to hear her. "Jaeger? I know you're here where are you?" I suddenly heard her.

"Uh I'm hear" I stood up "sorry Mrs. Lenz to tell you the truth, I was spacing out, could you please repeat what you said?" I could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks.

"Oh well, thank you Eren for being honest, try not to space out again, I asked you to share your project." She pulled out the rubric, ready to grade my project.

"Oh, ok well I chose feathers for my project and drew a bird." I held up my large piece of paper. The kid next to me gasped.

"Whoa Jaeger is good!" His eyes were a brown colour, he had brown hair, and a ton of freckles. I smiled at him.

"Thank you" I said still standing. People were basically glued to my paper.

"Thank you Eren. You may sit back down now." She signed off her rubric and handed it to me. I took it and sat down. "Alright next is-" I spaced out not really caring what she was saying. The boy next to me poked me.

"Hi I'm Marco!" He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Well as you already know, I'm Eren nice to meet you!" We talked throughout all of that class. When the bell rang to dismiss us I basically jumped out of my seat and ran out of the room. I got to the lunch room and looked for Levi. He was sitting all alone at a table. I got my lunch which consisted of pizza, a Coke, some Lays, and a cookie. I sat right next to him.

"Don't you get lonely all alone?" I asked. He glared at me.

"No I like being alone. You are the first person ever to sit with me." I actually felt kind of bad for him.

"So is it okay if I invite Armin to sit with us?" I was hoping he'd let me, otherwise Armin would sit alone.

"Sure, just don't make me talk to him." I nodded and got up. I found Armin.

"Armin, hey! Wanna come sit with Levi and I?" He shifted in his seat.

"Sure! But Eren, I wouldn't trust him if I were you, he's bad news." He smiled shyly at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright I'll be careful." We walked to the table and sat down. Levi didn't really talk to us he just sat there and ate his food. I was eating really fast because I was absolutely starving. Suddenly I felt someone wiping the crumbs off my face. I looked over to see Levi was the one doing it. "L-Levi what are you-"

"Shut up brat, you're filthy" Levi continued to wipe the crumbs off. I could feel the heat rising in my face. 'I can't let him do this he's going to make me loose control' I pulled away.

"I can do that myself you know? Your not my personal cleaner or something" Levi's eyes widened, he must've realized what he was doing.

"Y-Yeah S-Sorry" He blushed. 'Did Levi just say sorry to me?!' I just smiled.

"It's ok! Plus friends help other friends right?" I asked. He just glared back.

"Yeah whatever." Levi then resumed his eating. The rest of the day was very boring, with not much to tell. When last period was over, that's when it got interesting.

~Time Skip to after school~

(Levi's POV)

I was trying my best not to smile. The brat was taking forever though. Eren sat with me today, and now he had to pay the price. I was way to excited. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I knew it was that brat. I turned around and saw Eren. His sea-green eyes staring down at me. I had told him to meet me here after school.

"Hey brat," I said "Thanks for coming." I pulled myself off the wall and stood up facing him completely. "I know what you're thinking,  you'll miss the bus, if you do, I'll take you home." I stifled a smile once again.

"Ok Mikasa will be fine with that as long as we don't stay out too late." He paused for a second "So um what did you need to tell me?" I smirked at that coment.

"Well let's just say it's time for you to pay for sitting with me" Eren raised his eyebrows at me.

"How will I pay?" My smirk grew larger.

"Like this" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to me. I softly put my lips on his. I felt him stiffen. A few seconds later he started to kiss back. I pulled away gasping for air. I looked at him and his face was literally as red as a tomato. "See? Now every time you sit me with, you'll have to pay." I smirked 'Finally' What came next shocked me. Eren grabbed me by my collar and started to kiss me. I immediately kissed back. 'Does he like me back?'


YAY I DID IT WHILE FANGIRLING. Whew mwahaha cliff hanger. I'm so mean. But at least I'm keeping up with my updating! Well you guys will have to wait to see what happens next. Hehehe.

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