Up and Out

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Omg I was so busy, today, omg, I'm so sorry. Feel free to hunt me down and beat me with a stick. When I got home to my mom's house I had planned to update, but then she said I couldn't touch my phone until my room was clean. So I started cleaning my room at 9, and ended now. Omg it's almost midnight. Anyways, please forgive my stupidity, and here's the next chapter!

~Time Skip to About 2 Weeks Later~

(Levi's POV)

Today was finally the day. I was so excited, today was the day I was getting released from the hospital. Well technically, that was yesterday, but today I was allowed to go back to school. I had been keeping up with my homework through the internet, but I haven't gone to school since the car wreck. I was actually quite excited. My arm was fine, and my chest was fine, but my ankle occasionally gave me problems. Eren had spent less time with me, because he's been super busy. I've been so bored. I can't wait to get back into the real world.

I stood up and looked over at my clock it was 5 AM, almost time to head off to school. Doctor Blouse had sent me home yesterday at 4:00, and told me to take some medication, but that was it. No more hospital. I quickly grabbed a black plain

t-shirt. I pulled it over my head and grabbed my ripped jeans. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and headed out to the bus stop. Since my car had gotten totalled, I had to ride the bus. I hoped I'd get to sit next to Eren. I got on and the bus wasn't full. Yet. I found an empty seat in the back and sat down. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulders.

"Hello, who are you?" The person asked. I turned around to see a girl with these amazing blue eyes staring back at me. She had a small smile on her face, and shiny blonde hair. She was wearing a stripped sweater, and skinny jeans.

"I'm Levi. Why do you want to know?" I asked, trying to sound a little intimidating.

"Oh uh, just wondering, I haven't seen you on this bus before. Also you look like your old enough to have a car."

"Yeah I am old enough to have a car, I totalled it a couple of weeks ago, I ended up in the hospital, but I'm fine now, oh also I rode the 1st day." I told her most of the story trying my best to leave Eren out of it. 'Wait. When did I become so open with other people? And when did people stop hiding from me every time I looked at them? No. No way. I've lost my terrifying demeanor. Holy shit. What am I going to do. Oh its Eren's fault, he made me drop my guard around him. Ooh he's gonna pay for this.' I was so lost in my thought I didn't even notice that we had gotten to Eren's stop. I looked up to see Eren walking onto the bus I waved and he walked over.

"Hey Levi! Can I sit here?" He asked. God his eyes, they were perfect. 'Levi guard.' I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Well where else are you going to sit? This bus is too damn full." I averted my eyes trying not to think about Eren.

(Eren's POV)

Levi is avoiding me. I can see right through him. No matter how much he may hate it, I knkw he truly cares for me, deep down. I know, that sounds cheesy, but something is off about Levi today. He reluctantly let me sit next to him, and hasn't talked to me since.

"Levi?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"What?" He growled, still focused on staring out of the window.

"Um, are you okay? You seem agitated... no that's not the word... you just seem off. You kn-"

"I'm fine" He interrupted. "It's just... uh back at school for the 1st time in quite a while. So I'm, you know, scared." I started to laugh.

"You?? Scared?! Ha! What a lame excuse!" I laughed harder. I shouldn't have because suddenly I felt Levi punch me, not the hard, but enough to hurt, in the stomach. I groaned and rolled out into the aisle.

"Eren Jaeger, get out of the aisle now." The bus drivers voice boomed through the volume system.

"Y-Yes s-sir!" I said, even though he couldn't hear me. I crawled back into the seat. "What the hell was that for?" I asked.

"For making fun of me. I warned you the 1st day of school." His face a back to normal, and it kind of scared me. I had gotten used to the laughing and crying, Levi showing me emotion. But now he had gone back to what he was before. 'What do I have to do to keep you how you were back in the hospital?' I sighed. Maybe I just need to be myself.


Welp, that felt like a crappy chapter. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, I'm always hard on myself, when it comes to evaluation. Sorry if the cheesy-ness is killing you. Anyways, I still hoped you enjoyed.

Oh P.S. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I LUV EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU. I HOPE YOU DONT LIVE TO BE 100 YEARS OLD! (Because that would be just painful, so technically it is a compliment) YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY THE BEST, AND I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH. All the reads are amazing, I wasn't even sure I was going to get 20, but here I am, only at chapter 13, and I already have over 400 reads and a little over 10 votes. You guys have no idea how much that means to me. Omg I luv you guys. Peace out.

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