Why Must I Feel This Way?

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Hello my lovlies! I have some extra time on my hands so I guess I'll work on this chapter! I hope you guys like it!

(Eren's POV)

I sat all through 1st period bored out of my mind. Half way through I decided to draw in my notebook. The teacher asked me a few questions, which I answered with ease. I was in the middle of drawing a bird, for Art class, when the bell went off, dismissing us. I put my textbook and notebook in my bag and started to walk out of the classroom when Armin ran up to me.

"Hey um uh..." Armin stuttered on his words trying to remember my name. I chuckled.

"Eren." I reminded him.

"Oh yeah! Sorry Eren I really don't remember things easily!" He shifted on his feet adjusting his stance to where he was leaning on his right foot. "Anyway um what do you have next period?" I thought for a minute trying to remember.

"Uhhh..." I pulled out my schedule from my backpack. "World History it looks like." I folded it back up and shoved it back in my backpack.

"Oh really?! Me too! Want to walk there together?" Armin asked.

"Sure! I have to go to my locker first. I have to get my History textbook." I started walking towards the hallway were my locker was.

"Ok! I'll come too!" We walked to my locker, on the way there we say Mikasa walking with that blonde chick. I soon learned her name was Annie. I crouched down at my locker and started to do the combo when I heard Levi.

"Hey there brat." I looked up at his face. It was blank, what did I expect? Him to smile?

"Hey. I thought you said you weren't going to use your locker this year." Levi crouched down at his locker and opened it.

"Well I didn't know they lengthened the passing period time. We now get 12 minutes to get to class!" He shut his locker and stood back up.

"Oh well cool I guess." I shut my locker and stood up too.

"Well later brat." Levi walked away going to his next class.

(Levi's POV)

I walked away from Eren and his blonde friend. I really didn't know why Eren even bothered talking to me, even after I warned him. I was starting to like that damn brat. I really didn't want that. I walked into my 2nd period only to see Eren and his blonde friend.

"God damnit" I cursed under my breath. I sat in my seat. Eren didn't even notice me until he turned around from the teachers desk. He walked up to me.

"Hey Levi! I didn't know you had this class!" He smiled a big smile. I sometimes wish I could smile but when I do I think of my sister, and I don't want to break down in front of everyone. My sister, Petra passed away a year ago, I was devastated. I haven't smiled since then. I try my best to always keep my 'I don't care' look.

"Oi, brat," I turned to him, "How many times do I have to remind you? Only talk to me when I talk to you!" Eren backed away.

"Oh, yeah, right, sorry Levi." He took his seat right next to the window, right next to the blonde. I got up and walked over to Eren

"Hey blondie what's your name?" I leaned on my right leg.

"Uh-" He stuttered "Armin." I nodded my head.

"Why do you care Levi?" Eren asked. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Just curious, god, do I have to have a reason?" I sat in the chair next to me.

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