Back At School Part 2

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Hey guys, I'm trying to update earlier in the day, but it's really hard to do that when 7 hours of my freaking day is wasted in damn school. But I'm also trying to stop making excuses. Anyways here's the next chapter.

(Eren's POV)

I walked into my 1st period and sat down next to Armin, as usual.

"Hey Armin!" I said as I pulled out my math supplies.

"Hey Eren! I heard this is Levi's 1st day back, how's he doing?" The blonde started to write down our homework in his planner.

"Ah, he's doing fine, I guess. He's just been avoiding me." I wrote down our homework too.

"Aww. I can see you really care about him." Armin looked at me. I almost choked on air.

"Wh-What? W-Why would you s-say t-that?!" I nearly yelled.

"Well you took 2 days off of school to stay with him. We haven't hung out since his car wreck. And Mikasa told me you are almost failing Language Arts. Those are all signs. And to add a cherry to the top of your cake, the way you look at him, there is not a single hint of being scared. The feelings swarming in your eyes, are love, and worry." Armin took a deep breath. I was at a loss for words.

"I'm that readable?!" I tried to put on an 'I don't care' face on, but it didn't work.

"No. But for some reason, I feel like I've known you for a while. Mikasa can probably see through you, so I'd be careful how you act around her." The bell rang, signalling the start of class. Armin and I took notes throughout the entire class period. The teacher handed us our homework, and gave us 10 minutes to work on it. The bell rang to dismiss us, and I had already finished my homework. I stood up.

"Hey, Eren, I'm gonna walk with another friend, okay?" Armin started to walk out of the classroom.

"Sure." I said when he walked out. I followed him out of the classroom, but I turned right, and he turned left. I walked up to my locker.

"Eren." A voice said from behind me. It wasn't Levi, because that voice belonged to a girl. I turned around.

"Oh, Mikasa, hey!" I smiled at her. She was glaring back at me.

"Eren." She repeated. "Are you gay?"

"W-What? Uh I-"

"Eren. I want the truth." She interrupted. I knew how she was when I came to gays or bisexuals. She didn't like them one bit. She thought they were repulsive. I had to lie to her.

"N-No! What... Why are you even asking?!" I tried to say calm. I knew if she figured out that I was gay she'd hate it, but also the fact that I am in love with Levi. Levi Ackerman, that makes things 10 times worse. She and Levi do not get along. At all. She would either kill me or him.

"You never ever came home when Levi was in the hospital. I just have my suspicions." She took a step closer to me. We were eye to eye now, and frankly it scared the shit out of me.

"I would have done that with any friend Mikasa. Even if Annie was in the hospital. Even though I don't know her that well." I shifted and took a step back. I looked at my watch. I had 5 minutes to get to my class. I definitely didn't want to be late for History. My favorite class.

"Mhm." She paused for a second. "Alright, whatever, we'll talk about it when you get home. Later." She walked away. I waited until she had rounded the corner. I let out a sigh of relief, but found myself dreading 'the talk' after school. I suddenly came up with a great idea.

"Mikasa! Wait! I have plans after school!" I shouted at her. She turned around.

"What 'plans'?" She demanded. This was it. I had to lie, again.

"Uh I promised Armin, that we'd hang out today, because I didn't really talk to him when Levi was in the hospital.  Maybe we'll  play some Call of Duty." That was perfect. She wouldn't know I was lying.

"Alright, fine. But I'll be calling Armin to check in on you." She smirked and walked away. 'Great. Check in on me. I'd have to tell Armin my real intentions, and have him lie for me. He'd do that right?' I walked off to my class and sat down. I quickly glanced at Levi, he was staring at me. He stood up and walk over. I felt my heart pounding harder in my chest.

"Oi, why were you almost late?" He asked. I sighed.

"Uh my sister had to talk to me." I shook my head. "Oh uh, wanna hang out today?"

"Sure." Levi said. He got up and walked to his desk. 'Yes, now I just have to convince Armin to lie about me being at his house. Wait Mikasa will probably ask to talk to me. Damn. Oh wait, Armin is good with phones, he can add my call with out her knowing!' Today was going to be fun!


Little cliffhanger here. I'm so mean. Anyways I hoped you liked it.

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