School Again

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(Levi's POV)

The sound of my alarm clock going off was almost enough to make me want to die. Just end whatever kind of life I'm living right now, but when I turned over to get out of bed, I saw the most perfect human in this world, laying right next to me. Eren Jaeger. He was awake, and looking at me with those beautiful eyes. I reached out and ran my hand through his hair.

"Morning." He said smiling at me.

"Mhm." I replied, slowly swinging  my legs over the side of my bed. I pushed off the bed, and went to my closet.

"Eren, casual, or dressy?" I asked.

"Casual." He said back before getting out of the bed himself. I grabbed a plain black t-shirt, and some dark blue jeans, along with a grey sweater. The funny thing about this whole outfit was, I was wearing Levi's. I stifled a laugh, and slipped on my clothes. He did the same, with the pile of clothes he had brought from his house. I quickly walked downstairs, and put 2 pieced of toast in the toaster. I stood, impatiently tapping my foot, waiting for the toast to pop out. The toast flew out, and I gave 1 piece to Eren. He just ate it as it was. I put butter, and grape jelly on mine. We brushed our hair, and our teeth, and walked out to my car. We drove off to school, talking about random things to pass the time. When we arrived, we got and headed to our lockers. Suddenly Eren stopped walking, and turned around.

"Eren." A female voice sounded from behind me. Mikasa. I turned around, to see Eren basically melting at her glare. How is he so scared of her. I'm not.

"M-Mikasa! Hey!" He tried to say casually, lightly punching her arm playfully.

"Don't 'hey' me, Eren. You better come home tonight." She glares at me. "Or I'll kill your midget friend here." Didn't she learn her lesson from last time? I can still see the cut on her cheek.

"Hah!" I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh. "Here we go again! You think you can take me!? Didn't you learn your lesson?" I paused for a second. "Bitch." She gasped loudly, and threw a punch at me. I skillfully blocked it, and kicked her in the stomach. Again. She fell over, and glared up at me.

"Don't-" She couched violently "call me a bitch." I snickered.

"I can do whatever the hell I want." I retorted. I grabbed Eren's arm and pulled him into a hug. "He's mine, Mikasa. Get over it." I smirked, grabbed Eren's hand, and walked away, leaving her laying on the floor.

"L-Levi." Eren said.

"What?" I tried to ask politely.

"Um, why does Mikasa hate you so much? I mean, yeah, I've been staying over at your house, but it seems more than that."

"I don't know, Eren. She just does. But if she truly does think she can beat me up, she needs some mental therapy. Anyways, I'm not letting her have you."

"But, I shouldn't be worried, should I? That she'll hurt herself or soemthing?"

"No. I don't think she'd go that far for attention." I sighed, and let go of Eren's hand.

"Ok. I guess you have a point. But, L-Levi? I-I'm not yours..." He trailed off. I turned around to look at him.

"Hmm? What was that? Your not mine? Oh, well I guess that is true? Do you want to be mine?" I whispered seductively into his ear. He jumped back.

"What? No! Th-That's  not what I m-meant! What I meant was, I'm not property. I'm a human being." He started blushing a deep red.

"Yeah, I know. Come on, we are gonna be late for class." We got our stuff, and headed to 1st period.


Okay, you guys probably want to kill me. I'm fine with that, but please wait until the story is finished. Anyways, I've been neglecting it, cause I didn't have any ideas, and also, I just kinda didn't feel like writing. But don't worry! I'll continue this! Uh, anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!

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