You Forgot?

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Hello. Well here's the next chapter. I really don't know what else to say. Enjoy!

(Eren's POV)

I sat on the couch doing my homework for about an hour and a half. Suddenly I felt my phone buzzing. It was an unknown number. I picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I questioned wondering who it was.

"Hello!" A ladies voice responded, "Are you Eren Jaeger?" She sounded familiar.

"Uh yes, may I ask who this is?" There was a slight pause.

"I'm Doctor Blouse. Sasha Blouse. Remember me?" I remembered her. She was the doctor that helped me when I broke my ankle.

"Oh! Hi Doctor Blouse... why are you calling me?"

"Well we had a patient come in, severely injured from a car wreck, and your number was the only number in his phone. His name is Levi Ackerman. Do you know him?" I dropped my phone and backed away. 'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Levi got in a car wreck? SEVERLY INJURED?!! OH MY GOD!' My brain was going insane. I bent down and picked up my phone.

"Yes" I said with a shaky voice, I hadn't realized that I was crying. "I know him. Is he Ok? Will he live? Please, please don't let him die." I started to sob into the phone.

"It's Ok Eren. He'll live. He's just got a broken arm, and minor amnesia."

She talked about that stuff as if it was nothing. "He's lucky to be alive Eren. His car is totaled, and he should've died on impact. The car that hit him was going 80 miles per hour, and the driver was drunk." I gasped. I didn't want to imagine a world without Levi. I have only know him for one day, but it has felt like a lifetime. I finally spoke up.

"Can I visit him?" I wiped away my tears.

"Yes you can, only family is allowed currently, but your the closest thing to family he's got. Both of his parents are away on a buisness trip in Australia." I found my shoes, and some spare change, and walked outside. I grabbed my bike.

"Alright headed that way. Goodbye Doctor Blouse." I hung up and biked to the hospital. I arrived and put my bike on one of those bike stand things. I walked in.

"Hello, I'm Eren Jaeger, I'm here to see Levi Ackerman." I told the man working at the front. He just nodded in response and walked away, beckoning me to follow him. He took a left and opened a door for me. I walked inside and saw Levi laying on a hospital bed hooked up to all kind of machines. That's when I broke down. I walked over and places my head on his chest and started crying. He shifted.

"Oi, brat, what are you doing?" He asked pushing me off of him. I wiped away my tears looking at him. He gave me a confused look. 'Wait, how much did he forget?' I got up.

"Um I'll be right back, I've got to go to the restroom." I got up with one thing in mind. I needed to know what he's forgotten. I walked out of his room and almost ran into Doctor Blouse. "Oh Doctor Blouse! I was just about to look for you. I need to know, how much has he forgotten?"

"He has only forgotten the last 5 hours of his day." I paused. I wasn't sure if I could hold my emotions in anymore 'He forgot our kiss' My brain just stopped, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Doctor Blouse.

"Eren it's ok, we can bring his memories back, we are just not sure h-"

"I know how." I interrupted. "I just have to..." I trailed off, not sure if I wanted to tell Doctor Blouse about what happened. Luckily enough for me, my phone started buzzing. I looked at who it was. 'Mikasa, crap, I'm gone, and she's worried. I'm dead. Shit.' I pressed the answer button. "Hello?" I asked sheepishly.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" She was basically screaming into her phone. She hates it when I'm not home when she gets home.

"Hey Mikasa" I tried to say casually. "I'm at-"

"I DONT CARE WHERE YOU ARE!! GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW!!" I pulled my phone away from my ear.

"Mikasa I'm at the hospital"


"Mikasa I'm fine, Levi got in a car wreck." I could hear her sigh into the phone.

"Don't scare me like that Eren" I could hear the relief in her voice. "You can stay a little longer, but don't forget, today is Monday, so you have work at 7." I looked down at my watch. 5:30.

"Sorry Mikasa, thanks for letting me stay. I'll head to work at 6:30. Bye" I hung up. '1 hour. 1 hour to make him remember.'


Yay! I'm sorry for hurting Levi! *cries* he's gonna be fine though, if you couldn't already tell. A little bit of a cliffhanger, but it wasn't that bad.

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