~Post Story~

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(Jessie's POV)

"Dad??? Dad??!!!"

I wandered around the house.

"Where the hell are they?"

There was a sound from down the hall. I peeked around the corner.


I whispered trying to not be too loud. I couldn't really see anything in the hall so I went in. Halfway there, I switched on the light.


Nothing. I turned around and walked back into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, and put my headphones in. Before I could start my music, there was a loud creak from behind me. I pretended like I didn't hear it and calmly Walked into my parents room. I opened up their closet and bent down to their safe. 5841. There was a clicking sound, and the safe opened. I grabbed the gun, checked the chamber and closed the closet. I went back into the kitchen pretending to jam to music with a gun perched in between my belt and my stomach. Another creak. I quickly turned around, drawing the gun on the trespasser.


I ripped out my headphones and ran to him, hugging him with all my might.

"JESSIE WHAT THE HELL!!! I was just trying to play a trick on you!! I didn't think you'd pull a gun on me!!"

I looked down, ashamed

"Sorry but I was scared I didn't know if it was you two or not. So I took safety precautions like you and dad always said I should. Speaking of which... where is he?"

"Oh baby I'm sorry for scaring you, and I appreciate your safety measures. Levi is out shopping right now, so it's just me and you!"

I looked away and looked back

"I have something to tell you..."

My face started to turn red, and I couldn't keep eye contact anymore.

"You can tell me anything Jes"

"I'm straight..."

There was a long silence... then suddenly he started cracking up. I looked up at him confused. I thought he'd be disappointed...

"You... think I'd be mad at you sexuality? Just because you were raised in a gay household doesn't mean you have to be gay!! I don't care if you're straight! Just do what you want to do, and who you want to do"

I chuckled a little

"Ok I was really worried about it, but I'm glad I got it off my chest. Thank you dad."

I launched myself back into his arms and was met with warm embrace

"You're the best"

"I think Levi is going to not appreciate that."

"No no, don't tell him I like you better!"

We both laughed and despite my size, he managed to swoop me up and plop me down on the couch.

"We are going to watch Jurassic World now, ok?

I nodded and we watched all of Jurassic World. I'm pretty sure Levi came home at one point, but I didn't notice him walk in. I felt my body started to grow tired, I have been desperately needing sleep lately. I let my eyes closed and I drifted into a dream world.

I woke 6 hours later. It was 4 A.M. I got up and turned to TV off, and grabbed some poptarts. While I was eating my poptarts there was one thought that kept on crossing my mind.

"This is the life"


HAI!!! I thought it'd be fun to add their child's perspective so yeah, I decided that would be cool, I hope you guys enjoyed the past story. I am sad to announce this particular story is officially over. I hope you enjoyed, and thank you guys so much for the continual support and love. You all mean the world to me. <3

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