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(Eren's POV)

I woke up with a start, feeling something next to me move. Levi groaned and sat up, running a hand through his hair.

"Morning Sunshine." He half-smiled and looked over at me. As I sat up, I felt a sharp pain in my hips.

"Ah shit!" I yelled as I collapsed back onto the bed. Levi smirked at me and softly laughed.

"Hips hurt?" He teased poking me in the stomach.

"Yes, I bet yours do too!" I smiled up at him, only to see his face a light shade of red.

"They do not!" He said back defensively.

"Really? Stand up." I smirked and watched as Levi slid his legs off the side of the bed. He put his weight on his right leg, and quickly stood up.

"Shit!" He yelled and fell back onto the bed. I laughed and playfully punched him on the arm.

"Told ya." I smirked and placed my head on his chest. "Thank you." I said slowly smiling as I wrapped my arms around him.

"For what?" He looked down at me while running a hand through my hair.

"Existing." I looked at him in his eyes, to a normal person, his eyes would look emotionless, but I could see them sparkling ever so slightly. Maybe one day we can get married... my face reddened at the thought.

"What the hell are you blushing for brat?" He stopped running his hand through my hair, and sat up slightly.

"N-Nothing..." I smiled and put my head back onto my own pillow. I closed my eyes and decided I would take a quick nap.

I woke up to see Levi wasn't beside me. I sat up, my hips still dully aching, and climbed out of bed. I slowly walked into the kitchen to see him at the stove. I came up quietly behind him and put my arms around his waist. He turned around and softly smiled at me.

"Breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes. Can you set the table?"

"I don't know, can I?" I said back boldly as I detached myself from him.

"Eren, just set the damn table." He pushed me away, and went back to cooking. I smiled and started to set the table. I handed Levi 2 plates and he put some eggs on both plates. He put his plate in front of his chair, and put my plate in front of my chair. I smiled and started to eat, of course the eggs were delicious. He's such a good cook... I glanced over to him only to see him diligently chomping down on his food. I quickly finished my food, washed off my plate, and went into the living room. Levi followed behind me, and sat next to me on the couch. I put my head on his shoulder and turned on the TV. We sat in silence as we watched the news roll across the screen. Another robbery of a local bank, we didn't care, another suicide in the neighborhood, we didn't care, another day of news that was supposed to be 'useful' but it never was. No one ever knew who was on the news, nor really cared for them. I sighed and stood up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Levi asked as I pulled my socks on.

"Out. Wanna come?" I slipped my shoes on and grabbed the keys off the shelf. He stood up and walked behind me as I went outside.

"Eren, where are we going?"

"Starbucks, I guess, I need coffee." I quickly turned a corner.

"Are you mad at me?" His voice was small, I turned around to make sure he wasn't crying. Crying? He would never cry... I shook the thought from my head.

"No, I just need to get out." I opened the door to the Starbucks and held it for Levi. He walked in and went up to the counter to order for us. He ordered me my usual, a mini caramel frappuccino. It was roast coffee blended with caramel syrup, milk, and ice, topped with whipped cream. In other words, perfect. Levi got a willow blend... it was decaf. It was a gently roasted blend from Latin America and East Africa to create a full flavor that's surprisingly layered. His is also really good, but different people have different opinions. We talked a little bit, not discussing anything highly important. I smiled and gulped down my frappuccino. He finished his drink soon after, and we left, hand in hand. We walked around the nearby park for a couple of minutes before deciding to go back home.

As soon as we walked in, Levi slammed the door shut and pushed me against the wall. He immediately started kissing me. I felt him bite my bottom lip, asking me to open my mouth, I gladly did. His tongue was soon exploring every inch of my mouth, we broke away for a half second, only to continue. His hand slipped under my shirt.

"Lev-" He cut me off by roughly kissing me again, I gently pushed him away. "Levi, we- not again..." I trailed off as he looked up at me.

"Eren, don't make me wait... again..." He slightly blushed and looked away.


Okay so I think I am ending this book next chapter, also sorry it took so long to make this chapter, I've been busy beyond belief and I also sort of forgot about the fact that I had a story to work on in the first place... so sorry for the long wait. I totally did not look up Starbucks coffees because I don't go to Starbucks... Thank all of you for all the reads and the votes I love each and every one of you!

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