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Okay, I know I said I'd stop doing these, but this one is important. I think I'm going to start updating every other day, because updating every day stresses me out. Sorry :( but when I have free time, I will write.

(Mikasa POV)

Eren didn't come home last night. He never said anything about staying the night at Armin's house. I was getting a little worried. Usually if he accidentally stayed the night, he'd be back before I even woke up. It's 11:38 now, and he's still gone. I called Armin last night, but he didn't pick up. I'm seriously worried about Eren. What if Eren and Armin went out somewhere, and got kidnapped?! I was currently on the bus, headed to Armins, to get Eren. I was trying not to hyperventilate. The bus finally pulled up to its stop. I quickly walked off the bus. Armin's house was still a couple of blocks, so I decided I'd stop by the store to grab a snack. I got a small bad of regular Lays chips, and started eating them on my walk to Armin's house. I got to his door and rang the door bell. I waited a couple of seconds, then heard him unlocking the door. When he opened it I smiled at him.

"Armin! Hi! I'm here to pick Eren up. I called yesterday, why didn't you answer! Oh, and why the hell did he sleep over with out asking me first?" I asked him too many questions at once. He blinked, and stood to the side of his door.

"C-Come in, Mikasa, I'll tell you inside." He opened the door a little bit wider, and let me in. He showed me that way to his living room, and we sat down.

"Ok, so um about Ere-"

"Where is he?" I asked. I didn't see Eren anywhere.

(Armin's POV)

Mikasa was angry. I know she is. Even though she doesn't sound, or look like it, I can just sense that something is off.

"He's not here." I answered her question simply. I didn't want to lie to Mikasa about where Eren was, so I was just going to tell her what she asks.

"What do you mean he's not here?" She asked politely. I sighed. I couldn't do it. 'I'm going to tell her everything.'

"Well, Mikasa, Eren isn't here, because he's over at Levi's. He was never here in the first place." I said in a rushed manner.

"Hmm ok. Thank you Armin." She stood up. "He and I are going to have a little talk." She smiled before basically running out of my house, and towards Levi's house.

(Mikasa's POV)

Eren is dead. I hope he knows I'm coming, because he better run, and run fast. How dare he just stay at Levi's house without my permission. I don't fucking need a bus, I'll run. I suddenly stopped. I don't know where Levi lives. I turn back around, and race back to Armin's house. I get there, and start pounding my fists against his door.

"ONE SECOND!" I hear him shout from inside. The door opens. "What the hell Mi-"

"Where does he live?" I demanded.

"He lives not too far from here, he's actually quite clo-"

"Adress." I interrupted. I wasn't dealing with anybodys shit right now.

"Oh um, I believe it's 1225 Stationary Guard Drive." He said. I took off. I knew exactly where that was. In about 3 minutes I was at Levi's front door. I knocked. Nobody answered. Maybe Armin gave me the wrong adress. I will find where Eren is, and when I do, he might as well be dead.

(Armin's POV)

I told Mikasa the wrong adress. How could I? I don't think I've ever lied to anyone. Well, maybe I have. But she'll be very angry at me for lying. Too bad. I picked up my cell phone, and quickly dialed Eren's number. I rang once, twice, three times, and then went to voice mail. Shit. I needed to warn Eren about Mikasa, but it seemed he wasn't answering his phone. I actually had no idea what the exact adress of Levi's house was. I just kinda knew the general area where he lived. I knew Mikasa would be back soon, I didn't send her far. I quickly slipped my shoes on, and grabbed my backpack. I also grabbed some change, and my Legend of Zelda baseball cap, and walked out of my house. I slowly jogged to the bus stop, and waited for the bus. I was headed off to Starbucks. I don't go there very often, so u knew Mikasa wouldn't look for me there. But if she did find me, I hope she doesn't, but if she does. I'm dead.


Hello! Soooooooo sorry for the late update! The next chapter will be awesome! I promise! And what was Levi going to do to Eren? You'll figure out next chapter. I'm so mean. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Bai!


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