The Way Home

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Hey sorry I'm updating so late, I decided to sleep in today. I had a small case of writers block. Here's chapter 5...

(Eren's POV)

I pulled away from the kiss, and looked into Levi's perfect grey-blue eyes.

"It looks like I'll be sitting with you more often then, if that's how I'll have to pay" I smirked. He blushed a deep red.

"Fine by me" Levi smirked back at me. I patted him on the shoulder, and looked at my watch. 'I missed the bus'.

"Looks like your taking me home" I showed him my watch, and he just nodded back.

"Alright." He started to walk away, "This way." About 2 minutes later we arrived where he had parked. "This is it" Levi pulled out his keys and unlocked the car, and I got in. The whole way to my house, we only talked about which way to go, and nothing else. Levi was tapping his fingers while we sitting at a red light, when I spoke up.

"Um Levi?"

"Quiet brat." He growled at me. I wasn't expecting that.

"But Le-"

"I said quiet" He turned to me and glared. The light turned green, and he started driving again. 'Is he uncomfortable?' I wondered. 'I hope he's not mad. I don't want to be on Levi's bad side.' All of my attention was focused on how Levi was basically ignoring me. Finally we got to my house. "Bye Levi!" I said as I got out of the car.

"Later brat" He mumbled back. I walked into my house and sat on my couch to start on my homework.

(Levi's POV)

'I was so nervous the whole time Eren was in the car, I didn't even talk to him, except when asking where to turn. I even told him to be quiet! AH what is wrong with me? The fact that my heart pounds 100 miles per hour every time I'm near him pisses me off. I drove away from his house hoping that he wasn't mad at me for not talking. He can't like me back anyways, it's too good to be true. But he did kiss me, after I kissed him.' The whole time on the way to my house I wasn't really paying attention to anything. My whole brain was freaking out about Eren. When I turned the corner into my neighborhood I wasn't paying attention to the cars around me. All of the sudden...



HAAA! I'M SOOO MEAN! Anyways, cliff hanger, what will happen next? Sorry for the short chapter! Hehe.

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