Finally Awake

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Holy crap, guys I'm so sorry I'm such a bitch. Such a late update! Omg please forgive me omg. *cries*. I was really tired when I got home, and so I crashed. When I woke up it was about 6. Anyways, push came to shove, and now I'm updating. I'm a terrible person, I know. Ah so here's the next chapter.

~2 Weeks Later~

(Levi's POV)

I felt pain everywhere. Not just my ankle. Not just my arm. Not just my chest. But every inch of my body. I tried to open my eyes, but was met with a terribly blinding white light. I opened my mouth to cry out in pain, only to find my mouth was completely dry. Not a drop of water was anywhere in my body. 'What the hell is happening?' When I tried to sit up a sharp pain stabbed me in the arm. 'Screw this, screw it all, I'm not moving.' Suddenly the realization dawned on me. 'Holy shit. How long have I been out? Am I dead? Where the hell am I? The last thing I remember is passing out from the pain of my ankle...' My thoughts trailed off, and I slipped back into the darkness.

(Eren's POV)

It's been about 2 weeks since Levi had the alergic reaction to that substance in the needle. I was always so loney. I had to sit awkwardly at lunch with Armin. Luckily, over the 2 weeks, Mikasa and her friend, Annie, decided to start sitting next to us at lunch. I was currently sitting in my room "doing my homework". In reality I was staring at the wall, like I did every day, worrying about Levi. I hadn't visited him in 2 days, because I've been cramming for a test. Today I was going to visit him. At exactly 7, Mikasa would get home, and I would be free. I checked the clock. It was 6:47. I turned my attention back to my homework. Finally it was 7. Mikasa burst into the house, yelling at me to inform me she was here. I quickly packed up my books and jumped off my bed. I threw some black jeans on, and a red button up T-Shirt. I thought it looked a little formal, but it was the only clean shirt I had, for Mikasa had stopped doing my laundry, and told me to do my own. I slipped on my black and white checkered Vans and grabbed some change. I started to walk out of the house when I heard Mikasa call me into the kitchen. I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"Eren, where do you think you are going?" She was switly putting together her diner.

"You said I could visit Levi today. So I'm headed there now." I ran a hand through my hair. Every second spent here, was a second wasted that I could be with Levi. She put a plate in front of me. It had a small sandwich on it.

"Eat. Then you can go." She handed me a glass full of Dr. Pepper. I groaned and sat down. I quickly devoured my sandwich. Not because I was hungry, but because I wanted out, I wanted to be resting my head on Levi's chest, and holding his hand, listening to his steady heartbeat. I took off, and got on the bus. The bus ride seemed to last a life time, but we finally arrived. I walked into the hospital,  and checked my watch. 7:10, damn, I was usually earlier than this. Luckily today was a Friday, so that meant I got to stay over night at the hospital. I turned the corner, and ran into Doctor Blouse.

(Doctor Blouse's POV)

I was walking out of Levi's room, headed to the front desk to call Eren to inform him that Levi had woken up for a split second, well to be exact, 2 minutes, before falling back into a deep slumber. Instead of having to call him, I ran right into him when I was rounding the corner from Levi's room.

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