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(Levi's POV)

The police, along with an ambulance, arrived in 6 minutes. Eren stayed hidden in the bathroom, out of fear that Mikasa would still yell at him, if she were to wake up. I heard a knock at my door. I walked to the door, and opened it.

"Hello..." The police trailed off. He was a tall muscular man, and he had short blonde hair.  He had a name take thats read 'Reiner'. He was looking around the inside of my house and looking at me.

"Hi. Come in, she's over here." I opened the door wider, letting him in. He walked in, and I led him to my living room. Oh, did I mention? I'm in my pajamas. I have a huge sky blue shirt on, along with black sweats. Maybe that's why he was staring... Anyways, we walked into the living room, and there Mikasa was, still passed out, on the ground.

"Um... Well sir, do you mind telling me what happened?" He asked. Fiddling with his badge.

"Yeah, sure." I sat down, and took a sip of my coffee. "Well, she came and knocked on my door, I answered and she said she was looking for someone. I told her I didn't know who she was looking for, but she didn't believe me. She yelled at me, for something that wasn't my fault, and then tried to punch me. I acted in self-defense, and kicked her. She fell back, and I closed the door. She then broke the window, and tried to hit me again. I kicked her, and here we are now." I said. I thought for a second. Should I tell him that I could've killed her, but didn't? No, probably not.

"Ok, so do you know this lady's name?" He asked politely.

"Yeah, it's Mikasa Ackerman." I said.

"Wait, she's your sister?" He asked. I growled at him for automatically assuming that.

"No! We just have the same last name." I said

"Oh ok, well I'll go get the paramedics, and they'll take her to the hospital. Do you know of any of her relatives by chance?"

"Nope." I lied. I knew Eren, but no way I was getting him into this mess. I'll deal with it for him.

"Ok, well goodbye." He stood up, and walked out of my house. A couple of paramedics came in, and put her on a stretcher. They took her back the the truck, and took off, to the hospital. I closed the door, and sat back down on my couch.

"I-Is she gone?" Eren's voice sounded from the hallway.

"Yeah, she got taken to the hospital." I answered back. He walked in and sat next to me. He glanced at the still broken window.

"Um, what are you going to do about your window?" He asked. I looked over. I stood up, and got a broom. I swept up the glass, and threw it away.

"I'll call the owner tomorrow, he'll get someone to fix it for me." I sat back down on the couch. I picked up the remote, and turned on the TV. Eren took the remote, and turned on The Order of the Phoenix.

~Time Skip to Later That Night~

(Eren's POV)

I woke up with a start. I was asleep on Levi's shoulder. I carefully got up to get a drink. I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a glass. I felt the glass slip out of my hand, and onto the floor.

"Shit..." I mumbled. I quickly swept the mess up. I heard Levi shuffling.

"Eren?" He asked grogily. I ducked behind the counter. "Eren." He repeated, obviously more awake now. "Eren I know that was you, stop being a wimp, and come out here." I slowly stood up. Levi looked over. "Damn brat." He kicked me, not hard, but enough to send me to the ground. I couched a little.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to!" I said. He can't just kick me when ever he wants to! I stood back up. "Don't just kick me! I'm not a training dumy!"

"Debatable." He said. I sighed.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep." I walked upstairs, and into his room. I sat on the edge of the bed, and wrapped myself in the cover. The sheets smelled of... Lavender? I snickered at that. What a manly scent. I heard Levi shut the door behind him. He sat down on the bed, and rested his head on a pillow.

"Goodnight Levi." I said as I layed down.

"Mhm." He responded. I slowly fell asleep.


Hey, kinda long right? Well ideas are like randomly pouring into my head... it's weird, anyways, um I might start another fanfic, and keep this one going till chapter 30, or so, then end it. If I do write another one, it will be Eren x Levi. Tell me what you guys think I should do. Write a sequel to this one, or another fanfic. Thanks.

Okay, guy, I luv all of you! SO MANY READS, AND VOTES!! I never thought this would happen! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!


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