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"That's enough Ren for today," Illumi announced and I did as I was told. Practicing Ren for more than 5 hours still exhausts me, and there's Illu. Standing in front of me, not showing any signs of tiredness. He started his Ren earlier than me and he hasn't moved an inch yet.

I need more training to last longer without shedding a sweat.

I left the room where we are training and went to my room. I removed all of my clothes and stepped inside the bathroom to take a shower.

It's been years since the Zoldycks took me in. They never treated me as if I was an orphan, but it wasn't also a warm welcome. They-I mean we are assassins, after all, it's a must that we shouldn't feel anything.

That was what Illu has taught me.

'You are told not to feel anything...'


I don't have the right to complain, and as if I have the guts to do that. I am grateful they took me in, that should be enough. I will serve and follow their orders as I live, only the Zoldycks.

I stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a new set of clothes, and picked up some of my darts that were left scattered in the furr mats. I threw the first 2 darts using my left hand and the other one using my right hand, straight at the darting board in front of me, and all of them hit the bull's eye, I walked towards it and saw that missed one dart.

"Tch. I've been doing this for a long time and still couldn't hit the bull's eye with my non-dominating hand?" I rolled my eyes and stepped backward.

With my ability, I can just manipulate the dart to fly straight towards the Bull's eye and hit it, but I chose not to. If I wanted to do something, I'll do my best and try not to use some of my abilities, I want to accomplish every mission assigned to me without using Nen. I don't want to be known as someone who does her work and just succeeds because of some sort of power coming from an aura.

No. I would never...

I want to be known as Hageshī Zoldyck not because of my abilities, but because of my skills.

I don't want to be a 'no one' and 'nothing' if my Nen disappears.

I took a deep breath and held the dart tighter before sending it carefully to fly towards the dartboard. After hearing the noise it made when my dart touched the board, a shadow of a smirk appeared on my face.

Bull's eye.

"Excuse me, Hageshi-san, we are told to gather everyone in the dining hall." I turned my head towards the door after hearing a knock. I manipulated the doorknob to unlock it, revealing Canary who was about to knock again.

"Why are you here?" I asked, staring right into her eyes.

She just smiled and moved to her side, leaving a space for me. I moved and walked past her, leaving Canary behind as she followed me.

"The Zoldycks wanted to announce something. That's why all of the servants and butlers are here." I only nodded and lead the way to the dining hall.

Canary was one of the best apprentices that we had as a butler, but to Kikyo, she was just as good as a newbie.

"Hageshi-san is here!" the youngest, Kalluto excitedly jumped before running towards me to hug me. I just tapped her head and looked into her eyes deeply. We sat together, with Killua on my right side and Kalluto on the left side. Killua just shrugged and nudged my arm when I sat down, making me turn my head to him.

"You're lucky they didn't ask you to sit beside Illu." He coldly stated.

"If only I didn't know your age, I might assume you're already an adult for having such a deep voice," I smirked, still not taking my eyes off the young Zoldyck.

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