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"What happened to Hageshi, Illumi?"

"She's okay,"

"Tell us the truth, son."

"I said she's okay, Mom..."

I woke up but kept my eyes resting closed, and I still couldn't process a thing. There are too many inaudible voices inside the room for me to comprehend.

I moved my hands and realized that I am laying in my bed.

Eh? How did I get here?

I opened my eyes and saw Illumi talking to the rest of the Zoldycks. When they felt the slightest amount of aura I have leaked, they all turned their gazes on me.


Without letting me finish, Kikyo already turned her back and started to walk away.

"She's okay," Silva reassured. He then signaled everyone to get out of the room as soon as possible.

"Illumi, you stay here with us,"

Illu nodded to his father and closed the door behind him.

Silva took a deep breath before looking at me as I sat up, keeping my composure at posture in front of them.

"He ran away from home,"

That wasn't a question. It was a statement.

I remained silent.

"... and this was the first time he ran away and asked someone to come with him." Silva whispered.

I furrowed my eyebrows, showing that I have no idea on what he is trying to say.

"She only knows that Kill ran off. I blocked everything that happened after that." I heard Illumi say, making the man in front of me turn his head towards him before nodding.

"Kikyo will find out immediately and search for Kill. I bet it's going to be you, Illu, and Hageshi... She will go crazy if you won't bring him back." Silva said while facing us.

"But I'm not asking you to do that. Kill will eventually come back home.."

'Then what's the point of us searching for him?'

I pinched myself. That little action didn't go unnoticed by Silva.

'Stupid!' I cursed myself silently.

"You pinched yourself. Why?" he asked. I bowed my head before answering, "My apologies, Silva-san. I might have thought of something that might insult you... I'll accept any punishment and more hours of training."

"You questioned yourself, right? What's the point of bringing him back if we know that he's coming back home?" He chuckled, which was new to me. This was the very first time I saw Silva-san not being so tight and serious.

He seems confident.

"It's okay," he gave me a reassuring look, which made me lower my head even more due to the embarrassment I suddenly felt.

"Come on, it's nothing. I've thought of that too.." Silva then called Illumi to bring Zeno to us.

"We'll give you something, Hageshi." His tone became serious in just a blink of an eye, making me turn to look at him but he just smiled, brushing my seriousness and confusion off. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until the great grandfather of the Zoldycks came inside the room after a single knock, letting us know about his presence.

I immediately stood up and bowed to Zeno to show my utmost respect.

"I appreciate the formalities but let's dismiss that at the moment. Please go back to your bed and take a rest while we discuss something about you," I nodded and did as I was told.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now